Honest June by Tina Wells

Honest June

Honest June by Tina Wells

Release: December 28th, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers
Source: TBR and BeyondTours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleBook DepositoryIndigoIndieBound



For June Jackson, middle school is hard enough–but it’s even harder when a fairy godmother grants her the ability to only tell the truth ALL THE TIME! Is it a blessing… or a major curse? June’s charming story will inspire big laughs and even bigger love for a new heroine for our times.

June Jackson is an expert at exceeding people’s expectations. She can’t help it; she’s a people-pleaser! She’ll do everything she can to be the perfect student, daughter, and friend, even if it means ignoring her own feelings sometimes. Cue Victoria, June’s secret fairy godmother, who blesses June with the ability to never tell a lie in the hopes that June will finally be honest with her loved ones. Instead of telling them the truth to their faces, June turns to a secret online blog–the only place she can write out her true feelings without hurting people.

When all of her responsibilities start to pile on–field hockey, the school paper, family responsibility, her friends–June begins feeling so overwhelmed that sometimes it feels hard to breathe. Not to mention June is desperately trying to figure out how to overthrow the spell at the same time! When the pressures reach new heights, will Honest June finally be able to break free and tell whole truth and nothing but?

About the Author:

Tina Wells is the founder of RLVNT Media, a multimedia content venture serving entrepreneurs, tweens, and culturists with authentic representation. Tina has been recognized by Fast Company’s 100 Most Creative People in Business, Essence’s 40 Under 40, Cosmopolitan’s Fun Fearless Phenom, and more. She is the author of nine books, including the best-selling tween fiction series Mackenzie Blue, its 2020 spinoff series, The Zee Files, and the marketing handbook, Chasing Youth Culture and Getting It Right.

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Honest June Review:

“Honest June” is a creative middle-grade novel about honesty and being yourself that would resonate even with adults.

Firstly, I admire how creatively the author told the book. While the story talks about an important theme, the author entertains us light-heartedly she narrates the tale. Halfway into the plot, June finds herself in deep trouble, yet, the author adds moments of humor that I felt added a nice touch. Similarly, the illustrations by Brittney Bond are also beautiful and complement the book very nicely.

Secondly, I enjoyed the story’s theme. What happens if you find yourself in a situation where you have to tell the truth. It reminded me of the Jim Carrey movie “Liar Liar,” with a charming middle-grade twist involving a fairy God Mother. The story made me think of my situations where I have told white lies to be polite to people and wonder how different the case had been if I were honest.

Thirdly, the characters are also down to Earth that connects with you. June is outstanding in the lead as she tries to balance meeting her parent’s expectations while also maintaining the relationship with her friends. I enjoyed how June tackled her relationship with Nia, especially when Blake entered the picture. Similarly, it was fun to see her parents’ dynamics and how telling the truth lands her in a heap of trouble.

However, I felt some moments and characters did not add much value to the tale. For instance, although I liked June’s friendship with Lee, I thought Lee was unnecessary and did not impact the story. Instead, the author could have more on June’s relationship with Blake and Nia.

Overall, “Honest June” is a fun middle-grade novel that will entertain you and is worth checking out.

Book Tour Schedule

Honest June

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Honest June by Tina Wells Blog Tour hosted by TBR and BeyondTours

December 27th
Stuck in Fiction-Promotional Post
Cindy’s Love of Books-Review

December 28th
Mocha Girls Read-Promotional Post
Kait Plus Books-Journal Spread
Rajiv’s Reviews-Review

December 29th
Confessions of a YA Reader-Promotional Post
PopTheButterfly Reads-Review

December 30th
Whispering Stories-Review & Favorite Quotes
Peruse With Coffee-Review & Top 5 Reasons to Read Honest June

December 31st
The Book Dutchesses-Promotional Post
The Bookish Coven-Review & Favorite Quotes

January 1st
Nine Bookish Lives-Promotional Post
Jill’s Book Blog-Review
Phannie the Ginger Bookworm-Review, Playlist & Favorite Quotes

January 2nd
The Nutty Bookworm Reads Alot-Review

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