Hunted by Sarah Biglow Molly Zenk


Hunted by Sarah Biglow, Molly Zenk

Release: November 17th, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Cayelle Publishing/Spectral
Source: Love Books Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N.



Edith Dorset joins her adopted daughters and their friends at the Heartsong Clan’s annual Live Action Role Play recruitment event on the hundredth anniversary of becoming a vampire. There she meets an eager young man named Dan Paxton. His older brother and Hunter, Darren, thinks Dan’s merely chaperoning a trip to a nerd convention.  But they have no idea of his partnership with vampires for the weekend.

When Darren discovers Dan missing, he follows the only lead he has to the Heartsong Clan’s residence on Tombstone Row. Edith and Darren’s first meeting is uneasy because he lies his way into the Clan’s house.  He claims to be there to play on the side of humans. He has the determination to keep his Hunter instincts in check, rescue his brother, and get it out of there.

An impromptu late-night encounter leads Darren and Edith to come clean with each other about who they are. Edith longs to keep Darren and his brother close, although it goes against Clan rules, and Darren is finding it harder than he thought to snuff out Edith and her family. Darren and Edith grow closer as they seek out the truth from her Sire, Mr. Heartsong.

While Darren uses all his Hunter skills to free his brother and be the hero, Mr. Heartsong banishes Edith from the Clan for her behavior towards Darren. No longer having Clan protection, Edith faces a terrible choice. Just as Darren returns with Hunter reinforcements, Heartsong and his Clan have vanished, along with Edith and her family.

About the Authors:Hunted

Sarah is a USA Today Bestselling author and a licensed attorney and works for a state agency in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. When not working on her next novel or reading the latest installment of one of the many series she follows, she is busy watching TV and running a TV recap blog with her friend. She lives in Massachusetts with her husband and son.

USA Today Best Selling Author MOLLY ZENK  originally from Minnesota, grew up in Florida, lived briefly in Tennessee before settling in Colorado. Molly is married to a Mathematician/Software Engineer who complains about there not being enough “math” or info about him in her author bio. They live in Arvada, CO, with their daughters.

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Hunted  Review:

Many aspects drew me to “Hunted”. Firstly, I loved the backdrop between Vampires, Angels, and humans. The author makes the history between the groups very organized, with proper rules and regulations in place. This angle made the story fun and interesting.

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Secondly, I loved Edith and Darren as the leads. More than Darren, I enjoyed Edith’s conflicting emotions as she tries to get over her past with Daniel. I loved the mystery between Daniel and Edith’s connection. The story immediately takes off when she sees the Paxton brothers at the convention and tries to figure out the reason behind Daniel’s disappearance. Darren, Angel, and Hope play likable supporting characters. Mr. Heartsong also intrigued me because I didn’t know what his intentions were. Caden is another character who I thought had a lot of potentials. On a side note, I loved Ronan wanted to see more of him.

Moreover, the author picks up the pace and momentum as Edith and Darren try to find out who murdered Johnathan before it is too late for Danny. I also enjoyed the slow burn romance between Edith and Darren. The author wrote the characters very nicely, where you feel like you know them well (even if they not humans).

Probably my only small issue with the story was having trouble with the age group of the leads. Initially, I had difficulty visualizing Edith and Darren’s age because they were not humans but look like one? The story is pretty short but is an excellent start to the series. It also ends in a shocking manner where you want to find out what happens to the characters. Overall, I loved this story and looking forward to reading the next book!

Book Tour Schedule:


I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Hunted by Sarah Biglow, Molly Zenk Blog Tour hosted by Love Books Tours.

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