HUNTRESS PREY by Selene Kallan


HUNTRESS PREY : Bonded by Blood and Magic 1
by Selene Kallan

Release: December 14, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Paperback, eBook
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle 



After almost three centuries of running from my past, I should be used to loneliness. Being a mythological monster isn’t compatible with relationships. But the craving for company grows stronger every day, turning routine into an endless nightmare and making me wish for an end to my immortality.
The explosive encounter with a beautiful, lethal fae who knows what I am and how to destroy me reminded me of that proverb: be careful what you wish for.

I thought fate could not surprise me after almost six hundred years. And then there she is—the echo of the brave young woman I’ve heard legends about. Only she isn’t human anymore, but a vampire, the greatest enemy of my species. After a fight that could have killed us both, and an uneasy truce, I am left with burning curiosity and so is she.
But will curiosity be enough to quench her thirst for my blood and my impulse to kill her before she strikes?

The first installment of the Bonded by Blood and Magic series.

About the Author:

Selene Kallan is a fantasy author who daydreams about her imaginary worlds most of the time. Her obsession with vampires, and all things supernatural, has made her an avid reader. She loves writing, discovering new metal bands, and watching superhero movies.

She is also feeling a little crazy while writing about herself in third person, but apparently, this is the way to go.

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“Huntress Prey” is a sizzling supernatural romance with dynamic characters and was a fun book to read.

Firstly, let me start by how much I enjoyed the chemistry between the two characters. You can practically see the sparks between Valentine and Axel even though they don’t get along well with each other. The two shine in the story; for instance, Valentine is holding back from biting him and adjusting to his teaching methods. The author writes they bond in such a way that you see the raw animal magnetism between them, yet a spark of sweetness and innocence. I liked how the author toggled the chapters between their perspectives, making the story feel personal.

Moreover, I thought Valentine was a complex character because of her feelings for Axel and people like Maya. Similarly, even Axel shares a complex bond with Alanna, and I enjoyed reaching the two’s dynamics with the other cast. I particularly liked Alanna as she had an air of mystery and interesting healing powers. Some of the memorable moments were when Lily is about to shift or when Johan attacks Valentine. Johan was attractive as the villain, and the author also adds some exciting action elements. The author also ends the story with a thrilling cliffhanger that makes you feel like picking up the next book and continuing reading.

The only minor criticism I have of the story is that it felt lengthy at times, as the author reiterates the feelings between the two characters. It would have been nice if the author had added more action elements to the tale.

Overall, I thought “Huntress Prey” is a lovely start to the “Bonded by Blood and Magic” series and look forward to reading its continuation.


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I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the HUNTRESS PREY : Bonded by Blood and Magic 1
by Selene Kallan Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule

Week One:
Two Chicks On Books-Excerpt or Guest Post-1-10-2022
Writer of Wrongs-Excerpt or Guest Post-1-10-2022
The Momma Spot-Excerpt or Guest Post-1-11-2022
Mythical Books-Excerpt or Guest Post-1-11-2022
Rajiv’s Reviews-Review-1-12-2022
BookHounds-Excerpt or Guest Post-1-12-2022
The Girl Who Reads-Review-1-13-2022
Sadie’s Spotlight-Excerpt or Guest Post-1-13-2022
More Books Please blog-Review-1-14-2022
#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog-Review-1-14-2022

Week Two:
Eye-Rolling Demigod’s Book Blog-Review-1-17-2021
Writer of Wrongs-Excerpt or Guest Post-1-17-2021
See Sadie Read-Review-1-18-2021
Coffee and Wander Book Reviews-Review-1-18-2021
Prison Wife Reviews-Review-1-20-2021
What’s Beyond Forks?-Review-1-20-2021
Fire and Ice-Review-1-21-2021
Books a Plenty Book Reviews-Review-1-21-2021

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