I Will Find You

I Will Find You by Cole Baxter

Release: 30th July 2023
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Inkubator Books
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon



Maria loves her husband. She really, really doesn’t want to kill him.

Maria just wants to put her troubled past behind her. Newly married to wealthy architect Cooper, she’s finally enjoying the perfect life.

Things weren’t always easy for Maria. Years ago, desperate to escape an abusive marriage, she did some very bad things. And then had to flee the man who helped her, Jackson Drake, when she realized he was even more dangerous than her husband.

Fast forward to the present, and Jackson has finally tracked her down.

Now he is using Maria’s darkest secrets to blackmail her into doing exactly what he says. And what he says is that her new husband Cooper must die.

Maria knows Jackson is utterly ruthless and that he has the power to destroy her world and everything she holds dear. If she is to save herself and her husband, she will have to find the strength to do things she never imagined in her wildest dreams.

But how far will she go to save her perfect life? And who will pay the ultimate price?

About the Author:

Cole Baxter loves writing psychological suspense thrillers.

It’s all about that last reveal that he loves shocking readers with.

He grew up in New York, where there crime was all around. He decided to turn that into something positive with his fiction.

His stories will have you reading through the night—they are very addictive!

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I Will Find You Review:

The tale’s highlight is Maria and how the author wrote her. I appreciate the author’s skillful portrayal of Maria’s anxiety and stress upon Jackson’s introduction. The depiction of Maria’s past trauma and abuse through her nightmares is a commendable display of realism. The strategic use of flashbacks to unveil her history adds depth to the narrative. I enjoyed how the author gave us snippets of it at intervals.Moreover, the dynamics between Maria, her mother, and Amy piqued my curiosity, leaving me intrigued by their apparent hostility towards her. Equally captivating is the chemistry shared between Maria and Cooper, characterized by a profound sense of protectiveness. I adored Maria and Cooper and how they stood by each other no matter what. Jackson and Sully’s entry into Maria’s life is captivating to the plot, particularly during the cruise and revelations surrounding Glen. It was interesting to see the lengths that Jackson would go through to disrupt Maria’s life.However, while the story boasts several memorable moments, I yearned for more comprehensive insights into certain aspects of the backstory. Notably, the rationale behind Glen’s initial abuse and her mother’s staunch defense of him remained underexplored. Additionally, a few dialogues felt redundant, with Maria frequently expressing her intent to shield Cooper from the truth, slightly impeding the story’s pacing.Nevertheless., “I will find you” by Cole Baxter stands as a respectable thriller. Yet, I believe the story had the potential to be better.
Book Tour Schedule

I Will Find You

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the I Will Find You by Cole Baxter Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours.

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