In Darkness Shadows Breathe by Catherine Cavendish

In Darkness Shadows breathe

In Darkness Shadows Breathe by Catherine Cavendish.

Release: January 19th, 2021 
Format: Hardcover
Publisher: Flame Tree Press
Source: Amazon
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N.



You’re next…

Carol and Nessa are strangers but not for much longer.

In a luxury apartment and a modern hospital’s walls, the evil that was done continues to thrive.  Albeit, they are in the hands of an entity that knows no boundaries and crosses dimensions – bending and twisting time itself – and where danger waits in every shadow. The battle is on for their bodies and souls, and the line between reality and nightmare is hard to define.
Through it all, the words of Lydia Warren Carmody haunt them. But who was she? And why has she chosen Carol and Nessa?

Finally, The answer lies deep in the darkness…

FLAME TREE PRESS is the new fiction imprint of Flame Tree Publishing. Launched in 2018, the list brings together brilliant new authors and the more established; the award winners, and exciting, original voices.

About the Author:

Cat first started writing when someone thrust a pencil into her hand. Unfortunately, as she could neither read nor write properly at the time, none of her stories actually made much sense. However, as she grew up, they gradually began to take form, and, at the tender age of nine or ten, she sold her dolls’ house and various other toys to buy her first typewriter – an Empire Smith Corona. She hasn’t stopped bashing away at the keys ever since, although her keyboard of choice now belongs to her laptop.

The need to earn a living led to a varied career in sales, advertising, and career guidance. Still, Cat is now the full-time author of several supernatural, ghostly, haunted house and Gothic horror novels and novellas, including The Garden of BewitchmentThe Haunting of Henderson Close, the Nemesis of the Gods trilogy –Wrath of the AncientsWaking the AncientsDamned by the Ancients – The Devil’s SerenadeDark Avenging AngelThe Pendle CurseSaving Grace Devine and Linden Manor. Her short story, ‘Miss Emmeline’s Mirror,’ recently appeared in the anthology Haunted Are These Houses.

She lives north of Liverpool with her longsuffering husband and black cat.

When not slaving over a hot computer, Cat enjoys rambling around stately homes, circles of standing stones, and traveling to favorite haunts such as Vienna and Orkney.

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In Darkness Shadows breathe Review:

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I love reading books by Catherine Cavendish, and she is now one of my favorite authors to turn to for supernatural horror! She writes her stories in such a compelling manner that will hook you to the storyline. Moreover, she creates the haunting atmosphere beautifully and adds twists and turns till the last page. 

In Darkness, Shadows Breathe” is a fine addition to the author’s work, where we get into the world of ghosts, hauntings, possessions, time-travel, and lobotomies! The story takes place in a haunted hospital setting, which in itself sounds terrifying. Two storylines take place, one with Carol and the other with Vanessa. While both these stories initially feel disconnected from each other, the author eventually deliciously connects them. While I found Carol’s storyline to be eerie because of the hauntings she experiences, I was glued to Vanessa’s storyline too. Nessa is a strong protagonist, and I enjoyed how she tries to take charge of the situation and find out what is happening at the hospital. Similarly, this story’s villains, Arabella and Dr. Franklyn are terrifying, even if they appear limitedly. Also, the author wrote Agnes very well as you don’t know what her intentions are. 

Many moments stood out for me in the story. For instance, I loved the scenes where Vanessa meets Agnes and gets visions of Lydia. Even the moments where Carol sees her apartment ransacked terrified me. On a side note, I also loved the numerous book references the author provides. If anyone whispers “You’re next” to me over the next few days, I’m going to freak out!  

Overall, “In Darkness, Shadows Breathe” is a treat for those who are in the mood for scary, supernatural horror. 


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