It Ends in Fire by Andrew Shvarts

It Ends in Fire

It Ends in Fire by Andrew Shvarts

Release: July 6th, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Little Brown/Patterson
Source: TBR and Beyond Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleBook DepositoryIndieBoundIndigo



1. Infiltrate Blackwater Academy
2. Win the Great Game
3. Burn Wizard society to the ground

As a child, Alka witnessed her parents’ brutal murder at the hands of Wizards before she was taken in by an underground rebel group.

Now, Alka is deep undercover at the most prestigious school of magic in the Republic Blackwater Academy, a place where status is everything. And where filthy rich galas end in blood splattered duels, where every student has their own agenda. To survive, Alka will have to lie, cheat, kill, and use every trick in her spy’s toolkit. And for the first time in her life, the fiercely independent Alka will have to make friends in order to recruit the misfits and the outcasts into her motley rebellion.

But even as she draws closer to victory , to vengeance , she sinks deeper into danger as suspicious professors and murderous rivals seek the traitor in their midst, and dark revelations unravel her resolve. Can Alka destroy the twisted game without becoming a part of it?

About the Author:

Andrew Shvarts is the author of the Royal Bastards trilogy. Besides, he has a BA in English Literature and Russian from Vassar College. And he works for Pixelberry Studios, making mobile games like High School Story, Choices, and more. Andrew lives in San Jose, California, with his wife, son, and two cats. .

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It Ends in Fire Review:

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To begin with, I enjoyed the author’s style of writing. I liked reading about Alka’s journey right from the beginning as she embarks on her mission. She goes undercover as Alayne and gets into Blackwater Academy to get revenge on the people who murdered her parents.

Moreover, the author also wrote the world-building very fluidly, which makes it easy to understand the rules of the Academy and the Wizards’ rules and get engrossed in the storylines. I particularly loved the parts when Alka participates in the challenges to ensure that House Nethro wins. It was interesting to see how she uses her tactics to outsmart others. Moreover, the author also narrates the story creatively by toggling between the past and the present. We see how Alka and her sister Sera suffered in the past and why Alka undergoes the mission. My heart went out to them both in specific parts and made me root for the Alka passionately.

Speaking of which, the author also wrote Alka nicely. She is courageous, strong, and determined to accomplish what she targets. I also enjoyed her interactions with the side characters like Marlena, Talyn, Fyl, and Calfex. and the action and adventure. The author also balances the story well with some YA romance, with some surprising LGBTQ+ elements that I did not expect. I thought the author captured the tone and emotions of the characters very nicely. At the same time, you have characters like Aberdeen and Marius that you immediately grow to despise.

Perhaps this is the first book of a series because the climax felt like we could expect to see the characters again, revolving around the Republic. Overall, “It Ends in Fire” is a gripping young adult fantasy that I enjoyed reading.


Book Tour Schedule:

It Ends in Fire

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on It Ends in Fire by Andrew Shvarts Blog Tour hosted by TBR and Beyond Book Tours

July 6th
tbrandbeyond – Promo Post
thebookdutchesses – Blogger’s Choice
djreadsbooks – Blogger’s Choice
justiceforreaders – Blogger’s Choice

July 7th
shelflove123 – Blogger’s Choice
books_over_everything – Blogger’s Choice
yourwordsmyink – Blogger’s Choice

July 8th
simplybeccamee – Review
ninebookishlives – Blogger’s Choice
planners.and.paperbacks – Blogger’s Choice
bookdragonstbr – Blogger’s Choice

July 9th
confessionsofayareader – Blogger’s Choice
rajivsreviews – Blogger’s Choice
popthebutterfly – Blogger’s Choice

July 10th
fangirlpixiebooks – Promo Post – Blogger’s Choice
thindbooks – Blogger’s Choice
idreaminbooks – Blogger’s Choice

July 11th
dhirviepages – Review
feliciareads11 – Blogger’s Choice
gwendalyn_books_ – Blogger’s Choice

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