Just Right Jillian by Nicole D. Collier

Just Right Jillian

Just Right Jillian by Nicole D. Collier

Release: February 1st 2022 
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Versify
Source: Amazon
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, AudibleB&N



In this heartfelt middle-grade novel from debut author Nicole D. Collier, fifth-grader Jillian must learn to speak and break free of her shell to enter her school’s academic competition and keep her promise to her grandmother. 

Fifth-grader Jillian will do just about anything to blend in, including staying quiet even when she has the right answer. After she loses a classroom competition because she won’t speak up, she sets her mind on winning her school’s biggest competition. But breaking out of her shell is easier said than done, and Jillian has only a month to keep her promise to her grandmother and prove to herself that she can speak up and show everyone her true self. 

A warm and relatable middle-grade debut novel about family, friendship, and finding the confidence to break free from the crowd and be who you truly are. 

About the Author

Nicole D. Collier Ph.D., was born and raised just south of Atlanta, Georgia. After a short stint in journalism, she has spent the past two decades in education. First as an elementary school teacher, and now as a partner in an executive training, coaching and consulting firm.

Nicole writes for all ages, but her first love is middle grade contemporary fiction. Young people are trying to discern who they are vs. who they want to be, and how to bridge the gap between the two. Nicole’s stories are in that gap. In particular, she writes about the interior lives of Black girls as they seek their authentic selves.

A self-proclaimed ever-victorious woman, Nicole has been known to run, dance, and turn cartwheels on sunny days.

Just Right Jillian is her debut novel.

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Just Right Jillian  Review:

“Just Right Jillian” is a fantastic realistic middle-grade fiction, and I am so happy that it is the first middle-grade book I read in 2022.

I liked Jillian right from the get-go and could connect with her. As I was timid while growing up, I also have people like Rashida who always took the spotlight even though I knew I was just as innovative as them but didn’t know how to speak up. The author beautifully depicts Jillian as she discovers who she is and how she needs to be herself and f9t in at the same time.

Similarly, I loved the supporting characters. Marquez is hilarious and adds humor to the storyline. Likewise, I also loved Jillian’s bond with her dad. The way he makes her feel special and lifts her mood warmed my heart. Moreover, I also like Jillian’s relationship with Rashida and how the two of them interact over the story. Even Shelby was adorable. What’s lovely is also how the author adds layers to the supporting cast, highlighting Marquez’s family issues.

There is never a boring part in the tale. The author makes the story creative, like the concept of Mind Benders. Also, I loved the theme of the class taking care of the eggs. The author provides many details, like how the eggs stay inside the incubator, the temperature and candling day, etc. Additionally, the author realistically portrays the storylines, where things sometimes don’t turn out the way you expect, but you are still hopeful and see the positive side of things.

Overall, “Just Right Jillian” is a beautiful middle-grade book to read, and if you are shy in real life and ever have self-doubts, you will love Jillian.

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