Justice at Sea by Christian Klaver

Justice at Sea

Justice at Sea by Christian Klaver

Release: December 7, 2021
Format: Hardcover, paperback, eBook, audiobook
Publisher: CamCat Books
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle,  AudibleB&NiBooks, KoboTBD



The tides of the Faerie War are turning, but at how high a cost for the Kasric family?

Justice Kasric, her siblings, and her parents are locked in combat on both sides of the Human-Faerie War. At fifteen, Justice may be the youngest ever Admiral to command her own ship and lead a resistance, but she has the magic and the will to do it. If only nearly every other member of her family weren’t either in immediate danger of dying-or attempting to kill her!

Forced to make dangerous pacts with more than one unpredictable ally, only Justice can decide how far she’ll go to save London. Is it worth sacrificing even a member of her own family?

About the Author:

CHRISTIAN KLAVER has been writing for over twenty years, with a number of magazine publications, including Escape Pod, Dark Wisdom Anthology, and Anti- Matter. He’s the author of The Supernatural Case Files of Sherlock Holmes, the Empire of the House of Thorns series, and the Nightwalker series, but has written over a dozen novels in both fantasy and sci-fi, often with a Noir bent. He worked as a bookseller, bartender and a martial-arts instructor before settling into a career in internet security. He lives just outside the sprawling decay of Detroit, Michigan, with his wife Kimberly, his daughter Kathryn, and a group of animals he refers to as The Menagerie.

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Justice at Sea Review:

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“Justice at Sea” is the exciting continuation in the “Empire of the House of Thorn” series and did not disappoint.

The author ups the game with thrills and adventure as the team goes to Stormholt and fights in the Faerie Wars and Wild hunt. There are shocking consequences which I didn’t expect, and I had no idea in which direction the author would take the story.

Moreover, the author also wrote the characters nicely. Justice shines once again in the lead as her responsibilities increase. I also liked Faith and Justice’s bond and found it to grow. Similarly, even new characters like Mog and the Lord of Thorns were interesting. I loved reading the continuation of Henry and Benedict and wondered what would happen to the cast.

Even world-building gets more extensive, like the way time moves. One of the highlights of the tale was how the author described the war and the strategies the Faerie devised. We have Hanged Dogs, Goblins and Trolls, and many more creatures. Memorable moments in the tale include gargoyles taking the father and Faith getting cut, which made the story exciting to read.

The only criticism of the tale is how the book focused more on justice than the earlier book. The first book, “Shadows Over London,” had more chapters for Henry and Benedict, whereas this book didn’t. Also, at times, the book is geared towards adventure rather than the characters’ development.

Apart from that, the story is excellent and ends on an exciting note once again. I am keen to read the continuation. Overall, “Justice At Sea” is a gripping addition to the series, and I look forward to the next book by the author!

Giveaway Details:

2 winners will receive a finished copy of JUSTICE AT SEA, US Only.

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Justice at Sea

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Justice at Sea by Christian Klaver Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule

Week One:
Rockstar Book Tours-Kickoff Post-1-10-2022
Mythical Books-Excerpt or Guest Post-1-11-2022
YABooksCentral-Excerpt or Guest Post-1-12-2022
Writer of Wrongs-Excerpt or Guest Post-1-13-2022
Two Chicks on Books-Excerpt-1-14-2022

Week Two:
Rajiv’s Reviews-Review-1-17-2022
Jaime’s Book World-Excerpt-1-18-2022
The Girl Who Reads-Review-1-19-2022
Sadie’s Spotlight-Excerpt or Guest Post-1-21-2022

Week Three:
The Phantom Paragrapher-Review/IG Post-1-24-2022
Karen Dee’s Book Reviews -Review-1-25-2022
Fire and Ice-Review-1-27-2022
#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog-Excerpt or Guest Post-1-28-2022

Week Four:
OneMoreExclamation-Review/IG Post-1-31-2022
Pick A Good Book-Excerpt or Guest Post-2-1-2022
The Momma Spot-Review-2-2-2022
More Books Please blog-Review-2-3-2022
Coffee and Wander Book Reviews-Review-2-4-2022

Week Five:
@lexijava -Review-2-7-2022
@jaimerockstarbooktours-IG Post-2-8-2022
BookHounds YA -Review-2-9-2022
Two Points of Interest-Review-2-10-2022
@jypsylynn -Review-2-11-2022

Week Six:
Books a Plenty Book Reviews-Review-2-14-2022

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