Kaji Warriors: Shifting Strength by Kelly A. Nix

Kaji Warriors

Kaji Warriors: Shifting Strength by Kelly A. Nix

Release: June 10th 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher:  Ignited Publishing
Source: Love Books Tours
Find it at: Amazon UK



“I am strong. I am Kaji.”
Atae is a hybrid, a Kaji half-breed, living on the capital planet of the Kajian Empire. In a culture dictated by strength and honor,obviously Atae’s father pushes her to prove herself worthy of being Kaji.

At the elite Sula Academy, hybrids like Atae compete alongside the Kaji purebreds, warriors with the ability to transform into savage battle beasts. So Atae and her packmates prepare for the Sula Academy Tournament, which will determine their fate within their warrior culture. But a close brush with death threatens Atae’s position in the competition. It also forces her to confront her weaknesses.

Atae must find the strength to escape a spoiled prince’s wrath, then survive her first crush. She has to help her packmates complete the Tournament, while keeping the biggest secret of her life from her father. And she must do it without losing her true self in the process by all means.

About the Author:

Kelly A Nix is a native-born Texan from the Dallas-Fort Worth area. In high school, she competed in rodeo, earned a brown belt in Taekwondo, and strived to be an actress. After graduating with her M.B.A., Kelly enjoys her career in the veterinary industry, and she spends most of her free time with her family, traveling, and writing. An animal lover, she shares her home with three cats, Louise, Rachel, and Orange Kitty, and a Great Dane mix named Dingo.

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Kaji Warriors: Shifting Strength Review:

Kaji Warriors

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Kaji Warriors: Shifting Strength by Kelly A. Nix Blog Tour hosted by Love Books Tours.

Book Tour Schedule

Bex_reads – 31st Aug-Review
The Alt Entertainer – 1st Sept -Review
The Magic Of Wor(l)ds – 1st Sept-Excerpt
The Lawyer Librarian – 2nd Sept-Review
The Book Reader – 3rd Sept-Review
Manic Mumdays – 4th Sept-Review
Orchard Book Club – 5th Sept -Review
Jane Hunt Writer – 5th Sept-Excerpt
Frost magazine – 6th Sept -Review
Rosie Writes – 7th Sept-Review
Bookish Woo – 8th Sep-Review
Fictionaltherapy – 9th Sept-Review
B for Book Review – 10th Sept-Excerpt
Rajiv’s Reviews – 10th Sept -Review

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