Karolina Dalca Dark Eyes by M.R. Noble

Karolina Dalca Dark Eyes

Karolina Dalca, Dark Eyes by M.R. Noble

Release: December 16th, 2020 
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Wild Rose Press
Source: The WriteReads
Find it at Goodreads, KindleAmazon Paperback, Barnes and Noble, iBooks



Blindsided by an attack that destroys her home and blamed for the murder, Karolina Dalca, a half-vampire, escapes, only to plunge into the magical societies from which she was sheltered.

After the betrayal of those around her, she abandons her dreams of becoming an investigator and flees, trusting only herself. Her police internship would never prove more useful. Hoofing it through the wilderness, she makes it to her university dorm, disheveled but delightfully deflowered.

Enter a full vampire: one wielding dark magic and a ride out of Canada. Karo complies with his demands to escape a fugitive from the law, unsure whether he has bewitching requests. She vows to clear her name and avenge her mother’s death, but Karo’s family secrets aren’t so easy to forget.

About the Author:

M. R. Noble has played a tug of war between science and art her whole life, but the rope broke when she wrote The Dark Eyes’s first lineSeries’s first line. Totally into her keyboard, she enjoys blending the real with the surreal. The only drawback is that she misplaces her mug while dreaming up her next scene and soon finds six cups overpoured.

Keeping to her Lake Simcoe roots, she is a member of the Writers Community of York Region (WCYR).

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Karolina Dalca Dark Eyes Review:

Initially, when I started reading the story, I did not know how to feel. There are many things to get the hang of, like “Dyads” and “Forged” and the various “Charms.” Moreover, the author dwells right into the action before we even know to get to know the characters correctly.

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However, once I got past the first two chapters, I could not put this book down. It has been a while since I read a gripping supernatural tale of werewolves and shapeshifters, and this book was very entertaining!

Karo is a likable character, and you learn more about her as she goes on the quest to meet her Uncle. She shares dynamic chemistry with both her co-stars Roman and Andre. For some reason, I liked her angle with Andre more than Roman. The author writes the angst at an excellent, balanced level, which does not overtake the story’s plot. I also loved some of the supporting characters like Ina and Miruna.

The main highlight of the story is the action-adventure. There is never a dull moment in the book, as there something happens to Karo in nearly every chapter. From facing storms at sea to high-speed chases at the Parade, the author keeps the reader on their toes. While I love character development, this is one of the few books where I thoroughly looked forward to the adventure. The climax is epic, concludes the story wonderfully, and sets the next book’s pace in the series.

As I mentioned earlier, my four-star review’s only reason is the initial bumpiness in setting up the plot. I could not put this book down once Bronwyn enters the picture and Karo runs for her life. Overall, “Karolina Dalca, Dark Eyes” is a gripping supernatural fantasy that I could not put down.

Blog tour

Karolina Dalca

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Karolina Dalca, Dark Eyes by M.R. Noble Blog Tour hosted by The WriteReads


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