Kayla A Modern-Day Princess Tough Tulle

Tough As Tulle

Kayla: A Modern-Day Princess: Tough Tulle by Deedee Cummings

Release: July 1, 2021
Format: EBook
Publisher: Make a Way Media
Source: IRead Book Tours
Find it at Goodreads, Make a Way Media



This beautiful, diverse picture book is a heartwarming story about family matters, role models, dreams, gender diversity, and discovering a determination for growth. As the third book in a five-book #OWNVOICES series, Kayla: A Modern-Day Princess shines the spotlight on the evolving life of a little brown girl who loves musical theatre and never lets anything get in the way of her dreams.

The Kayla series was inspired by the author’s own daughter and Broadway actress, Kayla Pecchioni.

About the Author:

As a therapist, attorney, CEO of Make A Way Media, and author of fifteen children’s books, Deedee Cummings has a passion for ensuring equality, inclusion, and social justice for the next generation. Since her first book published in 2014, Cummings has been on a mission to help young dreamers and doers “see themselves” in the pages of the books they read.

Cummings has spent more than two decades working within the family therapy and support field. And much of her writing shares her experiences of working with kids in therapeutic foster care.

By the end of 2021, this #OWNVOICES author will have fifteen diverse children’s books to her credit. Also, this includes the Rapid Release of her Kayla: A Modern-Day Princess five-book series. Moreover, all fifteen of Cummings’ diverse pictures, poetry, and workbooks for kids reflect her professional knowledge and love of life.

Cummings is also the founder and creator of the Louisville Book Festival, a literacy-based celebration in Louisville, KY, celebrated on October 22nd and 23rd, 2021.

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Kayla A Modern-Day Princess Tough Tulle Review:

This book is twice longer than the previous books in the series but twice as entertaining too.

Firstly, I applaud the author for making each book in the series different from one another. This series has been delightful to read because of the positive messages it teaches children about feeling proud of themselves. In particular, what I loved about this book is how the author portrays loving yourself irrespective of your shortcomings. It’s a beautiful habit to look on the positive side and appreciate how lucky you are. For instance, I loved the part where Kayla looks at the scar she got from chickenpox. Rather than complaining about the spot on her skin, she shows it off proudly for surviving chickenpox.

Moreover, the author covers topics like accepting others and not judging them for being different. She also adds nuances of racism where she says people should not feel bad because of the color of their skin. These topics are crucial to teach a child, and I love the author for taking the initiative. I feel that even adults could learn a thing or two from reading this book. Kayla’s mother (and grandmother) tell her to accept everyone and love herself and feel proud for the way she looks, even if some people don’t.

The illustrations are gorgeous with beautiful bright colors. I especially loved the parts where Kayla shows off her rock and stamp collection. Similarly, I enjoyed the storyline revolving around Tommie and thought it was a pleasant surprise to the series. Also, the author adds new words like “Tulle,” which even I did not know.

Overall, “Tough as Tulle” is an excellent continuation to the “Kayla: A Modern Day Princess” series, and I hope the author continues to write more adventures with Kayla.



Win signed set of KAYLA: A MODERN-DAY PRINCESS Book Series (one winner) (the USA only) (ends July 2)

KAYLA: A MODERN-DAY PRINCESS Book Series Tour Giveaway


I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on KAYLA A MODERN-DAY PRINCESS by Deedee Cummings Blog Tour hosted byIRead Book Tours. Check out my post, and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule:

10 June – Jazzy Book Reviews – book review of Kayla: A Modern Day Princess: Tough as Tulle/giveaway
10 June –Pick a Good Book – book review of Kayla: A Modern Day Princess: Dishes, Dancing, and Dreams/giveaway
11 June – Rajiv’s Reviews– book review of Kayla: A Modern Day Princess
11 June – Pick a Good Book – book review of Kayla: A Modern Day Princess: Tough as Tulle/giveaway
14 June – Rajiv’s Reviews– book review of Kayla: A Modern Day Princess: Dishes, Dancing, and Dreams
15 June – Rajiv’s Reviews– book review of Kayla: A Modern Day Princess: Tough as Tulle
15 June – Gina Rae Mitchell – book review of Kayla: A Modern Day Princess/giveaway
16 June – Gina Rae Mitchell – book review of Kayla: A Modern Day Princess: Dishes, Dancing, and Dreams/giveaway
16 June – Splashes of Joy – book review of Kayla: A Modern Day Princess/giveaway


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