
Lady Margaret’s Escape by Victoria Sportelli

Release: September 24, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Creazzo Publishing
Source: HFV book Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle.



A Desperate Midwife Bargains with a King

After suffering the loss of her first pregnancy, a son and heir to the English throne, Queen Matilda is once again with child. Overjoyed but cautious of another loss, King Henry seeks a skilled midwife to assist his wife throughout her pregnancy and labor. His search leads him to Margaret.

Once a woman of rank and leisure, Margaret has been betrayed by her father and made a common slave. The king’s dire need for a midwife provides her with an enticing opportunity to escape a life of servitude and return to her previous station, but first, she must prove her worth and make a bargain with the devil.

King Henry is reluctant to haggle with the midwife, but when Margaret reveals her foul play’s suspicions being the cause of the queen’s previous loss, he makes up his mind. Not only will Margaret attend the queen, her fate with being tied to the queen’s – and that of their unborn babe. Deliver a healthy heir, and King Henry will reward Margaret with the return of her rank, social status, and wealth. Fail, and her life will be forfeit.

The two women are sent to a secret forest retreat to wait out Queen Matilda’s confinement away from the conspiracies and dangers of court life. Meanwhile, Henry’s brother Robert invades England to seize Henry’s crown, and Margaret begins to fear she has allied herself with the wrong ruler.

Will Margaret earn her freedom…or a severed head?

Pick up Lady Margaret’s Escape today and experience the perils of living in medieval England.

About the Author:

Ms. Sportelli, who loves to share her English history knowledge, has concluded that Henry I was an under-rated king who struggled to keep his throne amid conflicts between Normans and Saxons. She writes of the era in novels featuring Lady Margaret, King Henry, and Queen Matilda.

A life-long Anglophile, Ms. Sportelli loves British manners, folklore, customs, history, and humor; she watches every British film, television, show, and the documentary she can find.

Ms. Sportelli has both children and grandchildren. Moreover, she has taken seven trips to eight western European countries and loves England and Italy the most.


Lady Margaret’s Escape Review:

Lady Margaret’s Escape” is a compelling historical fiction with a strong cast. 

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The highlight of the story is the characters. Lady Margaret is a great protagonist. On one hand, she is strong and not afraid to seize the situation and escape for a better future. On the other hand, she has a vulnerable side to ensure that nothing goes wrong in reclaiming her previous status. This highlight made the book fascinating because it took place when women did not have any power. 

 Moreover, I loved her volatile relation with Queen Matilda. Both of them shared an exciting dynamic where Margaret has to be on her toes to win her trust. Similarly, she shares a close association with Caitlin. Even the secondary characters like Lady Cecily, Jorgon, Henry, and William, add nicely to the mix. 

Similarly, the author compellingly paces the story from start to end. Her dynamic style of writing had me glued to the pages. I found the tale between the Normans and the Saxons fascinating, up until the climax, which revolves around Dena’s pregnancy. 

On a side note, I also appreciate the author for including a glossary of characters. As there are numerous characters in the story, it was nice having a reference point. Moreover, the author adds many colloquial terms, which made the dialogues feel authentic to that era. The story nicely sets the pace for the next book, which I look forward to reading. Overall, “Lady Margaret’s Escape” was a lovely start to the series. 

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book, which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.


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Lady Margaret

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