Legacy of Secrets

Legacy of Secrets by Helen Starbuck

Release: February 18th 2020
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Routt Street Press
Source: iReadBook Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Audible


Kate Earnshaw’s father’s suicide has left many unanswered questions. The police declared it a suicide, but she can’t bring herself to believe it. The more she discovers, however, the more Kate wonders whether she ever really knew him.

Her father never explained why he let his childhood home in eastern Colorado fall into ruin or why he kept the property a secret. And he never told Kate about his close friendship with Evan Hastings, the handsome and somewhat puzzling man who lives on the property near the abandoned house. However, other families pass down their stories.

The Earnshaws pass down painful riddles without answers. But Kate comes from a family where unspoken secrets disappear from one generation to the next. Moreover, Evan seems to have as many secrets as her father and to know more about him than she did, which hurts. But there’s something about Evan that calls her back to her father’s home. Something that threatens to unbury more than the past.

About the Author:

Helen Starbuck is a Colorado native, former OR nurse, and award-winning author of the standalone romantic suspense novel Legacy of Secrets, and the Annie Collins Mystery Series.

She loves mysteries, suspense, romance, and any book that is well written. Also, she’s a huge fan of books with independent, strong, women characters and, as Neil Gaiman says, “…stories where women save themselves.”

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Legacy of Secrets Review:

The story is written very nicely where you get immersed in the story-line and its characters.

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Firstly, I loved the mystery behind John’s death. The author does a wonderful job in creating an aura of mystery and suspense that almost gave it a Gothic touch. Moreover, the author also paced the story very nicely where we slowly start to uncover Kate’s family secrets. There is also equal importance given between Kate and Evan’s romance, and the mystery plot. Also, there are quite a few twists and turns which I honestly did not see coming. This made the story very entertaining to read. On a side note, I loved that the story was set in the ranch lifestyle in Colorado. I have always lived in the city and personally love thrillers set in the countryside.

For me, Evan was the star of the show. He is wonderful as the male lead and does everything in his power to help Kate. However, I didn’t like Kate at times, especially for the way she treated Evan. She wants to get answers about John, but gets frustrated and jealous at Evan for knowing more about him. I could relate to Evan’s frustrations when he feels like Kate is using him. Honestly, I felt the book would have been perfect if I had liked Kate more. However, I loved some of the supporting characters like Evan’s mother and his friend Craig. They add a touch of humor to the story and made me laugh out loud with their dialogues.

Overall, “Legacy of Secrets” is a wonderful debut novel by the author! I look forward to reading her future romance thrillers.


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Book Tour Schedule

Legacy of Secrets

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Legacy of Secrets by Helen Starbuck Blog Tour hosted by ReadBook Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Week 1

10 Aug  – Corinne Rodrigues | Booksnita – book spotlight
10 Aug  – From the TBR Pile – audiobook review
11 Aug  – Book Corner News and Reviews – book review
11 Aug  – I’m Into Books – book spotlight / giveaway
12 Aug –fundinmental – book spotlight / giveaway
13 Aug  – Olio by Marilyn – book spotlight / author interview
13 Aug  –Olio by Marilyn – book review / giveaway
14 Aug  – Stephanie Jane – book spotlight / giveaway

Week 2

18 Aug  – Jazzy Book Reviews – book spotlight / author interview 
19 Aug  –Locks, Hooks and Books – book review / giveaway
20 Aug  – Books for Books – book spotlight
21 Aug  –Celticlady’s Reviews – book spotlight / giveaway
21 Aug  – Books and Zebras – book review

Week 3

24 Aug  – Sefina Hawke’s Books – book spotlight
24 Aug  – Rajiv’s Reviews – book review
25 Aug  – Amy’s Booket List – audiobook review / giveaway
26 Aug  – Pen Possessed – book review / giveaway
26 Aug  – Rebecca Graf on Medium – audiobook review
27 Aug – Library of Clean Reads – book review / giveaway
28 Aug  – Adventurous Jessy – book review / giveaway
28 Aug  – The World As I See It – book review
TBD – Read and Review – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway

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