Lottie’s Little Secret by Debbie Viggiano

Lottie's Little Secret

Lottie’s Little Secret by Debbie Viggiano

Release: November 1, 2023
Format: Ebook
Publisher: ‎ Unicorn Publishing
Source: Rachel’s Random Resources
Find it at: Amazon USAmazon UK 



If crime writer Lottie Lucas hadn’t landed a three-book-deal, she’d never have met Ryan.  Older, suave, confident, refined Ryan.  Or Relic Ryan as bestie Jen calls him.

However, there’s something Lottie hasn’t told Jen.  Ryan has an ex-wife – well, Lottie thinks Heather is an ex-wife, and Ryan wouldn’t lie, would he?  It’s galling that Heather is still on the scene, and Lottie knows Jen wouldn’t approve.

But Lottie is hugging a bigger secret.  This one is something else and, like a nasty spot, it’s threatening to come to a head and cause a mess entirely of Lottie’s own making.

If Jen found out she’d bash Lottie over the head with one of her size sevens, and if Ryan caught wind – well, that would be an entirely different scenario.

So, when an opportunity arises to escape to Cornwall, Lottie grabs it like a drowning person clutching a lifebuoy. A change of location seems like the perfect solution to both issues. But Lottie is about to discover that secrets have a habit of catching up with you – and this one is tracking her like a supersonic missile…

About the Author:

Prior to turning her attention to writing, Debbie Viggiano was, for more years than she cares to remember, a legal secretary. She lives with her Italian husband, a rescued pooch from Crete, and a very disgruntled cat. Occasionally her adult children return home bringing her much joy… apart from when they want to raid the fridge or eat her secret stash of chocolate. Tweet @DebbieViggiano or follow her on Facebook!

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Lottie’s Little Secret Review:

Let me start by saying that I absolutely loved how brave the author was in tackling Lottie’s intriguing secret! It’s not often you come across such a unique twist in a romantic comedy book, and I appreciate how the author managed to maintain a timeless quality in the story. Countless moments had me chuckling, like when Lottie spilled the beans about her secret and the hilarious situations she had to deal with or when she had to navigate through Ryan’s antics.

Speaking of Ryan, I appreciated how the author skillfully weaved between the past and the present, giving us a glimpse into Lottie’s relationships with both Rick and Ryan, which had a significant impact on her life. I was curious about the dynamic between Ryan and Heather, and it added an intriguing layer to the story. Similarly, the introduction of Fin and Marina brought an exciting dimension to Lottie’s journey. I found Fin to be an endearing character, and it was satisfying to see how the story developed with him in the mix. On the other hand, I had a strong dislike for Rick, which is a testament to the author’s ability to create well-rounded and emotionally resonant characters.

The author masterfully blends humor and drama, creating a memorable reading experience, mainly due to Lottie’s captivating secret that turns her life into a rom-com adventure.

However, I couldn’t help but feel disappointed with Jen as a friend. Jen and Stu were quite self-absorbed, and I couldn’t help but think Lottie deserved better friends. There were moments when it seemed like she was pushed aside by Jen, only for Jen to enjoy her time with Stu.

Putting that minor gripe aside, I thoroughly enjoyed “Lottie’s Little Secret” and wholeheartedly recommend it!

Book Tour Schedule

Lottie's Little Secret

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on Lottie’s Little Secret by Debbie Viggiano Blog Tour hosted by Rachel’s Random Resources


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