Love, Lists, and Fancy Ships by Sarah Grunder Ruiz

Love, Lists, and Fancy Ships

Love, Lists, and Fancy Ships by Sarah Grunder Ruiz

Release: November 23rd 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Berkley Books
Source: NetGalley
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, AudibleB&N



Sometimes a yacht, a bold bucket list, and a kiss with a handsome stranger are all a person needs to dive into the deep end of life.

For the last year, yacht stewardess Jo Walker has been attempting to complete a bucket list of thirty things she wants to accomplish by her birthday. Jo has almost everything she’s ever wanted, including a condo on the beach and an exciting job  that lets her travel the world.

Jo is on track until a family tragedy turns her life upside down, and the list falls by the wayside. But when her two nieces show up unannounced with plans to stay the summer, they discover her list and insist on helping Jo finish it. Though the remaining eight items seem impossible to complete in twelve weeks, Jo takes on the challenge. They include  running a marathon, visiting ten countries, and sleeping in a castle.

When she summons the courage to complete item number five–kiss a stranger–and meets Alex Hayes, all bets are off. As her feelings for Alex intensify and Jo’s inability to confront difficult emotions about her family complicates her relationships, she must learn to quit playing it safe with her heart before she loses what matters most.

About the Author:

Sarah Grunder Ruiz is a writer, educator, and karaoke enthusiast. Originally from South Florida, she now lives in Raleigh, North Carolina with her husband and two children. She holds an MFA in creative writing from North Carolina State University, where she now teaches First-Year Writing.

She love writing, teaching. Besides  Connecting with readers and other writers is her  favorite part of publishing.

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Love, Lists, and Fancy Ships Review:

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What a sweet story “Love, Lists, and Fancy Ships” turned out to be!

This book made me feel like it is never too late to be optimistic and happy to clear off your bucket list because the forces of the universe will someone make it happen. As someone who believes in fate, I adored how the author incorporated this into the story. I also love stories that involve checklists and goals, and this book was so fun on how the author mixed Jo’s goals with the romance.

I adored Jo and how the author wrote her. The story is adorable as Jo tries to adjust to the changes in her life, especially when Alex enters the picture. Kitty, Mia, and Grayson are hilarious, and I love the bond they share with Jo, especially the scenes with monopoly and the tattoo shop. However, the highlight of the tale is the romance between Jo and Alex. The two share incredible chemistry. Even though they don’t want to get involved in anything serious, you cannot help but feel great for each other. The author also adds charming moments, like when they go through the postcards and talk about fate. On a side note, I also chuckled at the High School Musical references.

What’s also lovely about the tale is that it is not pure fluff. The author also adds in painful moments of loss as Jo witnesses tragedy in her life. I also liked reading about her past with Beth and what happened to Samson. It gave the book a practical side and made me appreciate it more.

Overall, “Love, Lists, and Fancy Ships” is a lovely contemporary romance that will put a smile on your face.

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