Many Points of Me by Caroline Gertler

Many Points of Me

Many Points of Me by Caroline Gertler

Release: January 12th, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Greenwillow Books
Source: Amazon
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, AudibleB&N.



When Georgia finds a secret sketch her late father—a famed artist—left behind, the discovery leads her down a path that may reshape everything holding her family and friends together. Caroline Gertler’s poignant debut is a character-driven story about friendship, family, grief, and creativity.

Georgia Rosenbloom’s father was a famous artist. His most-well-known paintings were a series of asterisms—patterns of stars—that he created. One represented a bird; one, himself; and one, Georgia’s mother. There was supposed to be a fourth, but Georgia’s father died before he could paint it. Georgia’s mother and her best friend, Theo, are certain that the last asterism would’ve been of Georgia, but Georgia isn’t so sure. She isn’t sure about anything anymore—including whether Theo is still her best friend.

Then Georgia finds a sketch her father made of her. One with pencil points marked on the back—just like those in the asterism paintings. Could this finally be the proof that the last painting would have been of her? Georgia’s quest to prove her theory takes her around her Upper West Side neighborhood in New York City and to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which was almost a second home to Georgia since she had visited favorite artists and paintings there constantly with her father. But the sketch leads right back to where she’s always belonged—with the people who love her, no matter what.

Caroline Gertler’s debut novel explores friendships, grief, and self-identity with a deep heart and a deft, delicate hand. Georgia’s world is filled with fully drawn characters that readers will easily identify with.

About the Author:

Caroline Gertler is the author of the middle-grade novel MANY POINTS OF ME (Greenwillow/HC, January 2021). A former children’s book editor, Caroline has an MA in art history and gives Old Master paintings tours at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Caroline grew up in New York City and lives on the Upper West Side with her husband, two daughters, and dog, Dash—which happens to be one of her favorite punctuation forms!

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Many Points of Me  Review:

“Many Points of Me” is a beautiful, emotional middle-grade novel that talks about getting over loss and moving on.

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I thought the author did a brilliant job for her debut novel. She writes the story in such a realistic manner and makes you connect with the characters. Although I wouldn’t say I liked Georgia in some places, I could relate to what she was going through. The way she feels jealous of Theo because of her father’s love was one of the story’s highlights. It was interesting to see if their friendship would reconnect or not.

Georgia is an interesting character with many layers. I think a reader of any age would relate to her emotions. We are continually reinventing ourselves to try something new in life, even if we don’t know it. I enjoyed how the author tackled her feelings in forgetting about her past and fitting into a new crowd; people don’t remember her as the artist’s daughter. Theo is also an excellent supporting character, and my heart went out for him. More than Georgia, Theo was my favorite character in the story. He remained a true friend to Georgia, even when they argued. On a side note, I also enjoyed the side storyline with Mrs. Velandry and her overcoming her fears of agoraphobia.

Moreover, I love reading stories where I learn something new. This book taught me about asterism, a concept I had never heard of before. The author implements art and astronomy through asterism so beautifully. Some of these passages themselves felt like viewing a work of art.

Overall, I think this is a beautiful story that would resonate with anyone who has lost a loved one or has trouble moving on.

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