The Math Kids: The Prime Time Burglars by David Cole


The Math Kids: The Prime Time Burglars by David Cole
Release: December 3rd 2018
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Common Deer Press
Source: Netgalley



The Math Kids: The Prime Time Burglars Synopsis:

Jordan and Justin are best friends and the only two kids in their class’s advanced math group. So it isn’t until Stephanie Lewis marches into their classroom that they meet someone who’s as good with numbers as they are. Their shared interest in math quickly draws them together, and the three soon form The Math Kids.

Unfortunately, life as math club kids isn’t always easy. In addition to extra homework, the three friends have two new problems. First, a string of mysterious burglaries has the whole neighborhood on edge, including their parents. Then, they manage to earn unwanted attention from Robbie, the class bully. Luckily, Jordan, Justin, and Stephanie soon learn that their new club may give them the skills they need to solve both problems.



I enjoyed reading this “The Math Kids: The Prime Time Burglars” by David Cole. It is cute, knowledgeable and has so many puzzles to keep you interested. Personally, I love Math and solving logical puzzles, so I thought the author did a great job in incorporating it in the plot. The puzzles are also not very easy, and promote younger readers to challenge themselves to solve it. It would take even adults a few minutes to find out what the easiest solution to the problems is. At first, I thought that the story will only be about the group solving math problems in class. But, the story became interesting when they actually use their skills to eventually even solve a robbery that is happening in their town. The author also provides examples and explanations to similar problems at the end of the book, along with a brief history about them.

The characters are likable and have their own unique personalities, but they all share their love for Math. I think this is a great start to the series and can see so much potential in it becoming great! Moreover, I personally liked Stephanie she followed her goals and did everything with a passion. I also loved how she explains the math involved when playing a game of soccer. Personally, I never expected this book to be entertaining and educational. I would definitely recommend this series to anyone who loves to solve puzzles or just like Math.

Overall, “The Math Kids: The Prime Time Burglars” was a quick, fun read and I would rate it 5/5 stars. I am definitely interested in picking up the next book in the series to find out how the kids solve a kidnapping in “The Math Kids: A Sequence of Events”!

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