Meet Me in Another Life by Catriona Silvey

Meet Me in Another Life

Meet Me in Another Life by Catriona Silvey

Release: April 27th, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: William Morrow
Source: Netgalley
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, AudibleB&N, Kobo,



Two people. Infinite lifetimes. One impossible choice.

Thora and Santi are strangers in a foreign city when a chance encounter intertwines their fates. At once, they recognize in each other a kindred spirit. It is someone who shares their insatiable curiosity, who is longing for more in life than the cards they’ve been dealt. Only days later, though, a tragic accident cuts short their story.

But this is only one of the many connections they share. Like satellites trapped in orbit around each other, Thora and Santi are destined to meet again: as a teacher and prodigy student; a caretaker and dying patient; a cynic and a believer. In numerous lives, they become friends, colleagues, lovers, and enemies. But as blurred memories and strange patterns compound, Thora and Santi come to a shocking revelation—they must discover the truth of their mysterious attachment before their many lives come to one end.

About the Author:

Catriona Silvey was born in Glasgow and grew up in Perthshire and Derbyshire, which left her with a strange accent and a distrust of flat places. She overcame the latter to do a BA in English at Cambridge and spent the next few years working in scientific publishing. After that, she did a Ph.D. in language evolution in the hope of finding out where all these words came from in the first place.

Following stints in Edinburgh and Chicago, she returned to Cambridge, where she lives with her husband, son, and a very peculiar cat. When she’s not working as a researcher studying meaning in language, she writes fantasy and science fiction. Her short stories have been performed at the Edinburgh International Book Festival and shortlisted for the Bridport Prize.

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Meet Me in Another Life Review:

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A science-fiction, parallel universe, alternate lives, romance? “Meet Me in Another Life” is a beautiful debut novel by the author, and I could not put it down!

When I started reading this book, I really couldn’t make head or tails as to what was happening. However, halfway into the third chapter, I got the hang of it, and I found it a unique concept. Imagine reuniting with the same soul in alternate lives? The storyline intrigued me about how Thora and Santi would meet in different situations and how their relationship would change. The story makes you wonder if such a possibility could exist in reality. I loved how their personalities and desires remain the same, no matter which lives they lead. Some of my favorite moments are when they look at the stars and have intense conversations about life.

I loved Thora and Santi as individuals and the special bond they shared. They share a romance that is truly out of the world, and you cannot help but hope that things work out for them after all the challenges they faced. I also liked the mystery element as to who Peregrine was and how the plot progressed with him.

However, while I loved the ingenious ways in which Santi and Thora meet one another, at times, I felt the story was not progressing much initially. It’s only halfway into the book, where the plot starts to take shape, and you wonder how it might turn out. But having said that, I could not put this book down! The author tells the story charismatically that you get glued to Santi and Thora’s connections.

Overall, “Meet Me in Another Life” is a memorable debut, and I look forward to reading the author’s future works.

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