Midnight on the Marne by Sarah Adlakha

Midnight on the Marne

Midnight on the Marne by Sarah Adlakha

Release: August 9th, 2022
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Forge Books
Source: suzyapproved Book Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle



France, 1918. Nurse Marcelle Marchand has important secrets to keep. Her role as a spy has made her both feared and revered, but it has also put her in extreme danger from the approaching German army.

American soldier George Mountcastle feels an instant connection to the young nurse. But in times of war, love must wait. Soon, George and his best friend Philip are 

fighting for their lives during the Second Battle of the Marne, where George prevents Philip from a daring act that might have won the battle at the cost of his own life.

On the run from a victorious Germany, George and Marcelle begin a new life with Philip and Marcelle’s twin sister, Rosalie, in a brutally occupied France. Together, this self-made family navigates oppression, near starvation, and unfathomable loss, finding love and joy in unexpected moments.

Years pass, and tragedy strikes, sending George on a course that could change the past and rewrite history. Playing with time is a tricky thing. If he chooses to alter history, he will surely change his own future—and perhaps not for the better.

About the Author:

Sarah Adlakha is a native of Chicago who now lives along the Mississippi Gulf Coast with her husband, three daughters, two horses, and one dog. She started writing fiction shortly after retiring from her psychiatry practice. Her debut novel, She Wouldn’t Change a Thing, was a CNN most anticipated book of 2021. Midnight on the Marne is her second novel. 

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Midnight on the Marne  Review:

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“Midnight on the Marne” is a remarkable historical fiction novel that moved me, and I loved reading it.

The highlight of the story is the chemistry between George and Marcelle. While I loved how the author depicted the history of the incidents at Marne River during World War I, I couldn’t get past George and Marcelle. The author wrote the connection between these two so beautifully, and I loved their scenes together.

Secondly, I enjoyed the twist towards the end of the story, which takes a turn that I did not expect. Thank goodness I did not read the book’s synopsis because that tends to spoil a lot of the tale, but I was pleasantly surprised by how the author directed the story. The twist made the story stand out and memorable, and it is not a book I would easily forget soon.

Thirdly, I loved the supporting cast as well. Philip charms the pages with his silly jokes, Lina with her fierce bravery, and even cute Gabriel and Juliette. The author writes the characters so beautifully with varying emotions that you feel you have known them for years. Similarly, even Max and Roland turned out to be complex characters who made the story stand out.

And finally, the author brings back to life some important events of World War I in the tale of Colonel McAlexander’s regiment and the events at Marne River. It was fun to see how incidents would have steered from just the actions of one or two people if they had reacted differently.

Overall, I loved reading this book and, as I also enjoyed “She Wouldn’t Change a Thing,” the author is now one of my favorites!

Book Tour Schedule

Midnight on the Marne

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Midnight on the Marne by Sarah Adlakha Blog Tour hosted by suzyapproved Book Tours

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