Mountain of Flame by Diane E. Samson

Mountain of Flame

Mountain of Flame (Gems of Fire #3)by Diane E. Samson

Release: August 4, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Diane E. Samson
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon



Reeling from Jack becoming king of Oclen, Princess Anna returns home as Sunderland’s Defender. Earning her title was a hard-fought honor, but Anna can’t escape the guilt of leaving Jack alone in that cursed, starving place.

When Jack comes to Sunderland seeking aid from Anna’s father, she must decide whether to return with him and help defeat the curse plaguing the cold northern land. If she remains Sunderland’s Defender, she knows her heart would never forgive her for abandoning Jack to rebuild a crushed kingdom.

Can Anna leave what she loves to become queen of a people suspicious of her and the gems? Joining Jack would mean battling an evil greater than anything she’s ever faced, for the curse’s roots grow deep. But if she doesn’t, Oclen will likely fall and Anna will lose Jack forever.

About the Author:

Diane E. Samson grew up on acreage just north of Kansas City, Missouri, with horses and dogs in the backyard. She later pursued her love of words and earned a degree in magazine journalism from the University of Missouri-Columbia. After graduation she worked as a reporter, managing editor, freelance writer and in public relations. After moving around the country, she’s recently returned to the Kansas City area where she lives with her husband, children and golden retriever.

She’s written fiction off and on her whole life. Gems of Fire is her first series about a girl traveling a journey of self-discovery in a world of powerful gems, supernatural forces, epic battles and of course, handsome heroes.

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Mountain of Flame Review:

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“Mountain of Flame” was a satisfying end to an exciting trilogy filled with adventure, angst, and emotional drama.

Firstly, I must commend the author for executing this series so nicely. Having read the series in order, I must say that the author made each book more addictive than the previous one. Anna is electrifying in the lead as always, but I felt she shined extra this book. She needs to defend Sunderland by herself from evil forces. I loved her strength in the story and how she deals with numerous storylines. The author also made some of her scenes exciting, like her coronation. I also particularly loved the moment when Anna encounters the stag and drinks the liquid.

Moreover, I adored that the author focused on Jack again. The plot shines as we have Jack and Anna back, even with Zac in the picture. What’s interesting about the series is that the author never makes the plot feel repetitious. Even though the theme is consistent, we see the characters encountering new situations.

Furthermore, I liked how the author focused on Anna and gave importance to secondary characters as well. There are many memorable moments with the cast, like when Gavriella has to decide about Owin, when Tobias gets attacked, or when Gavrielle sails with pirates. The author never writes a dull moment in the tale, as something new happens to the characters in every chapter. Similarly, there are also characters that you love to despise, like Felicity.

Overall, I found “Mountain of Flame” a great conclusion to the series. If you are looking for adventurous young adult fantasy, you should check out the “Gems of Fire” series.


Giveaway Details:

1 winner will win signed copies of all three books, a purple gem necklace, a $25 Amazon gift card and three bookmarks, US Only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Gems of Fire

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Mountain of Flame (Gems of Fire #3) by Diane E. Samson Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule

Week One:
Two Chicks on Books-Excerpt-7-26-2021
Jaimerockstarbooktours-Instagram Post-7-27-2021
Living in a Bookworld-Dream Cast-7-28-2021
BookHounds YA-Fave Movies-7-29-2021
Writer of Wrongs-Excerpt-7-30-2021

Week Two:
#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog-Excerpt-8-2-2021
Rajiv’s Reviews-Review-8-3-2021
Reveal + Review-Review-8-6-2021

Week Three:
More Books Please blog-Review-8-9-2021
Don’t Judge, Read-Review-8-11-2021
The Momma Spot-Fave Books-8-12-2021
Jaime’s World-Excerpt-8-13-2021

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