Murder on the Farm by Kate Wells

Murder on the FarmMurder on the Farm by Kate Wells

Release: Sept 04, 2023
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Boldwood Books
Source: Rachel’s Random Resources
Find it at: AppleBooks , Barnes &Noble , Amazon



Lambing season always brings the unexpected… But no one expected murder

Jude Gray never thought she’d find herself widowed and running a working farm full-time, but here she is, living in the small Malvern village her husband Adam spent most of his life in.

After a particularly gruelling lambing season, she is looking forward to some time off, but there’s no rest for the wicked, especially when she finds the body of one of Adam’s oldest friends on her farm.

Unimpressed with the local constabulary’s efforts, Jude starts an investigation of her own. But as the body count rises, danger creeps ever closer to Malvern Farm.

A killer is on the prowl. And all that stands in their way is one woman – and her dog.

About the Author:

Kate Wells is the author of a number of well-reviewed books for children.

And she is now writing a new cosy crime series set in the Malvern hills, inspired by the farm where she grew up.

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Murder on the Farm Review:

I was captivated by how the author portrayed Jude as the central character. Her unwavering determination to unravel the mystery surrounding Sarah, despite overwhelming evidence suggesting suicide, struck a chord with me. I was initially baffled about how the author would navigate this suicide plot, given the concrete evidence of the suicide angle, and I liked how the author handled it. As we are introduced to Jude, her grief over Adam’s loss is palpable, and I admire how the author skillfully charted Jude’s journey toward healing.

Furthermore, I was surprised by the escalating death count and the intricate web of twists and turns woven. I had anticipated a leisurely-paced, cozy mystery, but the author kept me guessing about the identity of the killer and the unfolding events. The author adeptly constructs the mystery, introducing seemingly disparate plot elements that eventually merge beautifully. I couldn’t help but empathize with Jude as she navigated the challenges in the story; my heart went out to her in the end.

Lastly, the supporting characters were pleasant additions to the narrative. Whether it was Ben, Charlie, Noah, Nate, or even the vexing Tilda, each character brought a unique layer to the story, leaving me curious about their hidden motives and potential involvement. Lucy’s subplot with her father added well, and Jude’s interactions with Lucy and Binnie were heartwarming. Lucy infused the story with humor, while Binnie contributed a comforting presence. Witnessing how Binnie instinctively trusted Jude to aid her in the case was heartening. The author adeptly balanced Jude’s life on the farm with her investigative pursuits, resulting in a heartwarming and suspenseful narrative.

In conclusion, “Murder on the Farm” was a thoroughly enjoyable read and a delightful initiation into the series.

Book Tour Schedule

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Murder on the Farm by Kate Wells Blog Tour hosted by Rachel’s Random Resources


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