MY LIONS’ DEN by E. M. Power


MY LIONS’ DEN: God’s presence in and deliverance of my trial with DOMESTIC ABUSE by E. M. Power

Release: June 9, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Spotlight On Souls LLC
Source: Pump up your book
Find it at:  Amazon, Kindle



In a word, I come to you in peace. There were a lot of times during my nine-year sentence in My Lions’ Den (life trial) that I would cry out to God, prayed without ceasing and had Faith that God would deliver me. For one thing, I had always felt God’s presence in my life. While in this life trial was no exception. Even so, I am telling this story and giving evidence of my Faith in God in hopes you will give Faith a chance in your life. There was only one constant that was evident while in My Lions’ Den and that was God’s presence and promise of deliverance. In fact, for those of you now present in your Lions’ Den, I would like to encourage you to stay prayerful. Please do as much as you can to ensure your safety and well-being.

Finally, for those of you that have been delivered from your Lions’ Den, I am rejoicing alongside you and personally giving you an immediate, warm, tight hug!  Of course, this book was written to give an insight from the perspective of a victim that is a believer. To this end, it was written to glorify God, reinforce the importance of having Faith, and to influence a nonbeliever. No matter your Lions’ Den – take solace in knowing God is always present and may deliver you too. Without doubt, To God be the Glory!

Bible Reference – KJV Book of Daniel, 6:23

Then was the king exceedingly glad for him, and commanded that they should take Daniel up out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no manner of hurt was found upon him, because he believed in his God.

About the Author:

E. M. (Eva Marie) Power, was born and lived for the first nine-years of her life on the Island of Guam. She was adopted at birth and raised by a single Guamanian woman, Alfonsina Manyanona Duenas from the Southern Village of Talofofo, Guam. E. M. (Eva Marie) Power moved stateside to Southern California at the age of nine and it is where she currently resides. She is the mother of six children and the grandmother of four. Just like she describes in this book, if ever in a Lions’ Den (life trial) she will always choose Faith!

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MY LIONS’ DEN  Review:

This was a heart-wrenching story about the author’s experiences and was an unforgettable read.

To be honest, this book shocked me made me emotional. As the author mentions, abuse can occur to anyone, irrespective of their religion, race, profession, gender or age. The story really hits hard because of the experiences that the author endured with her abuser. The abuser is truly maniacal where he thinks it is okay to physically abuse anyone, misuse drugs, and not get the meaning of being religious.

However, there were some minor things which I felt could have made the book better. It would have been pertinent to add a  list of websites or numbers at the end of the book for people who are facing the same experience without knowing where to turn to. There are  some agencies that I learnt of while I read the story, like Domestic Violence Hotline and Shelter. But it would have been nicer to have an appendix of resources at the end. Also (and this is just my opinion),to put it differently, it really irked me that she kept going back to the abuser as a last resort. Moreover, I wish she had been stronger to stay away from him. Also, part of this frustration was that the shelters did not offer childcare.  

In any case, apart from that, I could not put the book down. The author also provides stories of other victims, and I was shocked by the one where the abuser wanted to kill her and dispose of her. I hope the author is in a place where she is healing and truly loving herself after these heart-breaking experiences. Here’s to the author having success with her story and having memorable experiences like her time at the swamp tour. 

Book Tour Schedule


I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the MY LIONS’ DEN by E. M. Power Blog Tour hosted by Pump up your book .

Week 1

Monday, October 5  –  Virtual Book Tour Kick Off at PUYB Virtual Book Club
Tuesday, October 6 – Book Teaser Feature at YouTube
Wednesday, October 7 – Book Feature at The Literary Nook
Friday, October 9 – Book Feature at Readeropolis 

Week 2

Monday, October 12 – Book Feature at Nuttin’ But Books
Monday, October 12 –Book Review at Rajiv’s Reviews
Tuesday, October 13 – Interview at The Writer’s Life
Wednesday, October 14 – Book Review at Sefina Hawke’s Books 
Thursday, October 15 – Interview at As the Page Turns
Friday, October 16 – Book Feature at I’m Shelf-ish

Week 3

Monday, October 19 – Book Feature at Jazzy Book Reviews
Tuesday, October 20 – Interview at My Book Launch
Wednesday, October 21 – Interview at Book Bloggin’ Princess 
Thursday, October 22 – Book Review at Books for Books
Friday, October 23 – Interview at My Bookish Pleasures

Week 4

Monday, October 26 – Guest Blogging at Blogging Authors
Tuesday, October 27 – First Chapter Review at Literarily Speaking
Friday, October 30 – Interview at Self-Publishing Showcase


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