My Name is Mary Magdalene by J.C. Miller

My Name is Mary Magdalene

My Name is Mary Magdalene by J.C. Miller

Release: December 7, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Jess, Mo’ Books LLC
Source: RABT Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle



Stepping away from her comfort zone, author JC Miller orchestrates a written tapestry chronicling the fragile state of a woman on the edge of insanity.

Plagued by a lifelong curse of mental illness, Mary Magdalene finds herself spending her golden years in a mental asylum. Her once zealous life becomes minimized to an endless routine of over-stimulating antipsychotic drugs. That is until Salmone Abrams, a hidden jewel from her past, resurfaces and helps her remember who she once was—The Queen of Harlem. Madame Mary Mags.

Inspired by her jazz playlist, JC Miller’s current novella, My Name is Mary Magdalene, shakes the family tree while exploring the often-stigmatized topic of mental health. This fictional spin on the biblical account of Mary Magdalene and her seven demons travels from the late 1940s into the mid-1990s as Mary recalls the battles that tore her life apart. Fear, Lust, Entitlement, Greed, Misery, Dependency, Guilt—emotional baggage that once achingly held her down propels her to victory.

About the Author:

JC Miller lives in the scenic Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania with her husband, children, and floppy-eared Bassador pup.

Raised by a single mother in the Bronx, JC pulls from early experiences to showcase the soul of urban survival through faith-based novels. She also dedicates much of her time uplifting women via her blog and creating content with partner and friend, MR Spain, through their publishing company, Jess, Mo’ Books LLC.

On her days off, you can find JC whipping up her famous Red Velvet cake and listening to songs from her impressive vinyl record collection.

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My Name is Mary Magdalene Review:

“My Name is Mary Magdalene” is a compelling tale about one woman’s turbulent life and how she builds the courage to fight through.

The book is a quick read but so effective. Stories revolving around institutions and asylums intrigue me because I always wonder how the characters wound up there. The author grabbed my attention right from the beginning as we find mary in an institution, possibly suffering from Schizophrenia and manic depression. The scenes where the author describes her life there gave me goosebumps. I was glued to the seat when Sal entered the picture, and Mary recollects the events that led her there.

The author does a beautiful job of toggling between the past and the present. I got engrossed in learning about Mary’s parents and the awful Mr. Lackey. Mary goes on a wild journey from her romance with Richard and fights with Lottie to getting in trouble in New York in a life of drugs and alcohol. The story is dramatic and filled with surprises, and there were never dull moments.

I thought the author portrayed the characters wonderfully. Whether Mary, Sal, Tiny, or Martita, all the characters brought something of value to the tale. Sal was my favorite character because he lifted Mary’s spirits and gave her courage. Moreover, I liked how the author incorporated the classic gospel tale of “Mary Magdalene” and the seven vices in this fictional tale, as Mary faces greed, lust, misery, etc.

Overall, I thought the author did a great job executing “My Name is Mary Magdalene.” It’s an excellent book covering Faith, romance, and mental health issues. I look forward to reading some of her other books as well.


Book Blitz:

My Name is Mary Magdalene

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the My Name is Mary Magdalene J.C. Miller Blog Tour hosted by RABT Book Tours

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