No Child of Mine

No Child of Mine by Olga Gibbs

Release: October 21, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Raging Bear Publishing
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: Goodreads, Amazon UK, Amazon US



“No Child of Mine” is a story of a father’s journey to save his child from a totalitarian regime, who is in order to bury the truth prepared to exterminate an entire generation.

“The Collapse” took millions of lives and most of the country’s farming lands, bringing the surviving population of the island to the brink of starvation.

From the chaos and anarchy, a new state had emerged, known as The Federation Britannia, run by the single and unopposed Ordained Liberating Party.The Age of Cleansing had finished the purge, leaving behind a perfectly obedient electorate that marched every year in the Liberation Day parades, praising the Party’s leadership and following the Party’s every directive.

The rule of the Party is absolute. Its tool of compliance, the State Security Unit, is feared.

Tom is a true believer. He loves the Party with all his heart. He trusts in the Party’s wisdom. The Party had raised him, rewarding his devotion and love with a lucrative engineering job, and after the approval for the Procreation licence, it also granted him a family.

But the unexpected midnight visit by the State Security to his flat  for questioning ,unsettles Tom . The following day Tom witnesses the State Security troops, marshalling the children from his daughter’s nursery, packing them into trucks and taking them into the unknown.

Tom is forced to make a decision: either to follow the Party directive and to surrender his child into its plenary care or to protect what he loves and run.

But there’s no escape from the island or from the complete control of the Ordained Liberating Party.

About the Author:

Olga Gibbs is a mental health expert who has experience of working with disturbance in adolescents and young people. Using her Masters in Creative Writing, she explores taboo topics such as borderline personality and social effective disorder, effects of abuse and insecure attachment in young people and the inner world which is so rarely spoken about.

She was born and raised in USSR and now lives in UK. Olga Gibbs is also a creative writing coach and mentor. Please visit author website for more information on upcoming books.

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No Child of Mine Review:

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“No Child of Mine” is a brilliant dystopian high adrenaline novel that I could not put down!

Oh my goodness! Where do I begin with this book? The story was just perfect from start to end for this genre. I enjoyed how the author set up the theme for this dystopian novel. The author adds dark moments to the story, right from the beginning, when the man yells orders at Judy, and the officials of the Ordained Liberating Party come and search her home. As the story progresses, the author takes on a high speed as our leads become fugitives. The author takes us on a journey of action, adventure, suspense, and thriller, and I loved every minute of it.

I loved Tom and how he tried to do the honorable thing. In the beginning, I thought Judy would be the star, but Tom stole the spotlight. I could not put down the book at all after the incidents that took place in the hospital. Tom goes through so many emotions as he tries to do the honorable thing, even if it means going against what he has learned. Another memorable scene is when they meet the older man. You don’t know whether you can trust Felix or not. I enjoyed Judy as well and wished we had seen more of her. Even though the citizens of the State feel that they have independence, Judy knows how the Party ties her hands in so many situations, including taking care of her child Tilly.

The story also ends beautifully and unforgettably, making this one of the best dystopian books I have read this year. Overall, “No Child of Mine” is an excellent story to read if you are in the mood for something exciting and different.

Book Tour Schedule

No Child of Mine

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the No Child of Mine by Olga Gibbs Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours.



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