No Rules by Sharon Dukett

No Rules

No Rules by Sharon Dukett

Release: June 2nd 2020
Format: Audiobook
Publisher: She Writes Press
Source: Suzy approved Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, AudibleB&N



It’s 1971 in Connecticut, and sixteen-year-old Sharon’s parents think that, because she’s a girl, she should become a clerical office worker after high school and live at home until she marries and has a family. But Sharon wants to join the hippies and be part of the changing society, so she leaves home and heads to California.

Upon arriving in California, Sharon is thrown into an adult world for which she is unprepared, and she embarks on a precarious journey amid the 1970s counterculture. On her various adventures across the country and while living on a commune, with friends and lovers filtering in and out of her life, she realizes she must learn quickly in order to survive—as well as figure out a way to reconcile her developing spirituality with her Catholic upbringing.

In this colorful memoir, Sharon reflects upon the changes that reshaped her during the 1970s women’s movement, and how they have transformed society’s expectations for girls and women today—and, through it all, shares moments of triumph, joy, love, and awakening.

About the Author:

Sharon Dukett has been a computer programmer, deputy director in state government, cocktail waitress, and project manager (PMP certified), and she has designed and embroidered handmade clothing. She travels extensively using loyalty points and avoiding tourist traps. When she is home, she and her husband live in central Connecticut in a house he built that overlooks the Connecticut River–the house where they raised their family. When not writing or blogging, she is reading, skiing, biking, golfing, spending time with family and friends, creating clutter, and committing to more activities than she probably should. She loves reading memoir from a variety of backgrounds–to learn how others feel, experience life, and deal with their struggles. No Rules is her debut memoir. 

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No Rules Review:

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“No Rules” is a touching coming-of-age memoir that I enjoyed reading because of the author’s various situations.

I feel like the author touched on a subject that many of us can imagine. When I was growing up, even I felt like I should become independent and live my own life. I admire how the author dared to leave home and independent life and go through all her experiences. She beautifully highlights how things are more complex with new problems as she discovers herself. The author narrates herself realistically, as she talks about the secrets and shame, love and desire that she went through.

This book is also rare for me in that I wouldn’t say I liked so many of the supporting characters. Whether it be Joe, John, Bob, or Eddie, I found the men pretty annoying. Jack was probably the worst for how smugly he behaved with Sharon. However, I did like characters like Anne, Jodi, Don, and Mike. Some memorable moments of the memoir were when the author gets influenced by the Chuch life or when she goes to Hubbard Hill.

Furthermore, I love the travel aspect. The author goes from Venice, Marina Del Rey, to Quebec. The author also brings to life the era of the late 60s with references to the Nixon election etc.

However, when I picked up this book, I thought we would know more about the hippie lifestyle in general. While the author touches on the subject, I wish there was more reference to this period. Moreover, it was hard to relate to the character because she changes her mind often and sets the path on a new course.

Nevertheless, “No Rules” is a memoir that slowly grabs your attention and doesn’t let go.

Book Tour Schedule

No Rules

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the No Rules by Sharon Dukett  Blog Tour hosted by Suzy approved Book Tours.

Yamis Bookshelf –-Oct. 2nd
Christina Luvs 2 Read-Oct. 3rd
ML Book Love-Oct. 5th
American Lit Teacher-Oct. 9th
Laura’s Next Chapter-Oct. 11th
Geaux Get Lit-Oct. 11th
Booknerd Kat-Oct. 13th
Rozier Reads and Wine-Oct. 15th
Shooks Books-Oct. 18th
Rachel Loves Books--Oct. 22nd
Reecas Pieces Books-Oct. 28th
Bookshelf Momma-Nov. 2nd
Idaho Girl Reads-Nov. 4th
Rajivs Reviews-Nov. 9th
We Break For Books-Nov. 10th
Sealed With A Book-Nov. 15th
Subakka Bookstuff-Nov. 18th
Coffee Books Dogs-Nov. 23rd

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