No Way Back Today by Eric Shoars

No Way Back Today

No Way Back Today by Eric Shoars

Release: November 4th 2019
Format: Ebook
Publisher: BookBaby
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N, iBooks, Kobo, TBD,



Field of Dreams + This Is Spinal Tap = No Way Back Today. Midlife demands some reckoning and Eric realizes he can wait no longer. As Eric hurtles headlong toward the big 5-0, he realizes there is unfinished business and is determined to find his childhood friends, convince them to form their own rock and roll band, and to go on tour! He searches out Todd, Laurel, and Lorelei so he can fulfill that dream. The story of four Midwestern grown-ups and their childhood desires to create No Way Back Today in the face of improbable odds and middle age will have you both laughing and cheering as you recognize your own unfulfilled dreams. No Way Back Today is the incredible story of the improbable journey of a reunion tour for a band that never was!

About the Author:

Eric Shoars is a serial storyteller who considers the English language his playground and who never met a pun he didn’t like. Eric is a modern day Walter Mitty with a serious twist. His writing style is best described as “fly on the wall” putting the reader in the shoes of the lead character experiencing what he does as he does. His heart’s desire is to have a personal narrator for his daily life. It works in comic books so why not in the real world?

No Way Back Today is Shoars’ first foray into fiction. His non-fiction works include Women Under Glass: The Secret Nature of Glass Ceilings and The Steps to Overcome Them and Evil Does Not Have The Last Word.

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No Way Back Today Review:

I loved reading this story. It’s like a warm blanket that just makes you feel good and warm and cozy all over.

Firstly, I just loved the overall theme of the story. As we get older, we all have those ‘what-if’ moments when we remember our past. We wonder if we achieved all the dreams and aspirations we had as children. The author beautifully highlights how you are never too old to chase your dreams and live your life, even if you are in your 50s. Hence, the story is inspiring and encourages you to chase your dreams. Moreover, being an 80s child, I also loved the references to VCR’s, TV shows and 70s/80s rock bands. The author made me feel nostalgic in remembering my own childhood.

Even the characters are very endearing and make you like them from the get go. Yes, even Todd, who is the grouchy one of the group. Eric is wonderful as the main character. True, he is a bit persistent and annoying in the beginning, but I grew to love him. One of my favorite scenes is when he meets his idols at the Ellen Show. Moreover, even though each person carries their own troubles and baggage, what’s wonderful is how they get stronger from being in the reunion.

This story was near perfect in my opinion. Probably the only thing which I felt could have been better was if we got more details on the band practice. I felt like all the members suddenly became professional instrument players in no time. Eric gets training from one of the students for the drums and is shown as a pro in the next chapter. Apart from that, this was a wonderful book which I enjoyed reading.


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No Way Back Today

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