
Ouija by Zoé-Lee O’Farrell

Release: August 30, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Question Mark Horror
Source: Zooloo’s Book Tours
Find it at: Goodreads, Amazon UK, Amazon US



The only thing for certain is the deaths were no accident.

Rayner High School once a prestigious school stands in ruins after such a terrible event.

A year later, a group of friends return to the abandoned school and their nightmare begins.

Something wants to get out and won’t take NO for an answer…

Ouija is Book 2 in a new series brought to you by Question Mark Horror. For fans of Point Horror, Christopher Pike & Nicholas Pine.

Check out Book 1 – Camp Death by Jim Ody

About the Author:

Zoé O’Farrell grew up in Watford but left the town life to live by the sea down at the White Cliffs of Dover.
She spends her days working with numbers before escaping in the evening to the world of words and movies. Her go-to relaxation is watching a scary movie or reading a terrifying book!

She is a book blogger and tour organiser just to keep her extra busy. When she is not reading or writing, you can usually find her watching Watford FC or at a gig. Failing that she can be found rolling her eyes at her husband as he acts the same age as her spitfire of a Mini-Me whilst separating her two cats.

Ouija is her debut novel.

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Ouija Review:

“Ouija” is the second book in the “Question Mark Horror” series, and I enjoyed it even more than the first book.

This book has classic teen horror all over it. A group of kids who accidentally unleash something dangerous when they play with an Ouija board? The plot hooked me in from the synopsis itself, and I could not put it down. The author did a fantastic job in creating and maintaining the horror. I was at the edge of my seat as soon as the planchette moved in the Ouija Board.

Moreover, the author maintains the horror and suspense in the characters’ lives even after that fateful night. After reading this book, I feel skeptical just stepping into an empty school hallway. Also, I thought many supporting characters in “Camp Death” made it confusing to follow at times in the previous book. However, in this book, we have a distinctive number of people that make the story gripping. The author also includes shocking deaths that you don’t expect, which make the tale thrilling.

Speaking of characters, the author wrote them all perfectly. I also appreciate how the author gave Equal time for all the characters. Each of them faces something terrifying, like Caley’s reaction when she sees Ruby, what Sophie witnesses in the bathroom, or when Ben sees the dark shape and gets premonitions. The romance crushes between the characters were also fun, like how Jon is protective towards Lara and Sophie and Lara’s feelings for Simon.

Overall, “Ouija” is a beautiful addition to the series, and I cannot wait to read more installments.

Book Tour Schedule

camp death

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Ouija by Zoé-Lee O’Farrell Blog Tour hosted by Zooloo’s Book Tours.



  1. OMG this review has literally made my day!!! Thank you ever so much, I can’t express how much this means to me!!! x

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