Premonition by Wendy Whitman


Premonition by Wendy Whitman

Release: July 13, 2021
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Post Hill Press
Source: Suzyapproved Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, AudibleB&N, TBD



If you’re not paranoid, you’re not paying attention…

Cary Mackin is a TV journalist who has covered crime for nearly twenty years. After losing her job she moves to a small town in Connecticut—only to get caught up in the web of a deranged serial killer.

Cary has a dark secret that drives everything she does: a deep-seated, lifelong fear that one day she will be murdered. As the madman Cary stumbled upon continues to terrorize the beautiful countryside where she now resides, will her premonition come true?

About the Author:

Wendy Whitman has a unique background through her decades-long work as an executive and producer for Court TV and HLN, covering almost every major high-profile murder case in America. Through her knowledge of the most detailed aspects of the crimes, Ms. Whitman has become an expert on the subject of murder in America. Before attending Boston University School of Law, Whitman worked for comedians Lily Tomlin and George Carlin. After graduating from law school, the author embarked on what turned out to be a twenty-year career in television covering crime. She spent fifteen years at Court TV and another several at HLN for the Nancy Grace show, where she appeared on air as a producer/reporter covering high-profile cases. Whitman received three Telly Awards and a GLAAD nomination during her tenure at Court TV.

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Premonition Review:

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“Premonition” is a mesmerizing crime fiction novel about a woman who tracks a serial killer, and I enjoyed it because of the main character.

I liked the concept of the story. For me, the book stood out because of the way the author portrayed Cary. Cary is a fascinating character, and the author added many layers to her. It was interesting to see how she dealt with the phobia while balancing her romantic feelings and having an inferiority complex around her family and friends. You can see how she tries to balance her emotions when she goes to meet Kim with Anna. Moreover, I enjoyed her scenes with Vito as well. The author also adds supporting characters like Anna, Vito, and Hank well to the tale.

The author also sets the mystery nicely where you see the culprit shadowing Cary and noting down her move. While it took time for me to adjust to the story’s slow-burn, I eventually enjoyed the pacing. There are some shocking moments towards the end as the level reaches its climax. Moreover, the ending completely threw me off, and it is not one that I expected.

However, my only criticism of the story was the unnecessary details. The author tends to add too many details about Cary at times that stray away from the plot. For instance, I did not need to know how she got her Jeep or the history with Romy. The book would have been excellent if the author added more twists and turns instead of focusing on Cary’s background.

Apart from that, I enjoyed reading this book. Overall, “Premonition” is a suspenseful thriller that I felt stands out because of Cary and the tale’s climax.

Book Tour Schedule


I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Premonition by Wendy Whitman Blog Tour hosted by Suzyapproved Book Tours.

She Just Loves Books-Aug. 25th
Books Love And Understanding-Aug. 28th
Carrie Reads Them All-Aug. 30th
The Mary Reader-Aug. 30th
Subakka Bookstuff-Sept. 1st
Books and Biceps. 915-Sept. 1st
Rozier Reads and Wine-Sept. 4th
Britt Reads A Latte Books-Sept. 7th
Bookish Heidi-Sept. 10th
Love My Books 2020-Sept. 17th
Geaux Get Lit-Sept. 17th
Book Low Down-Sept. 23d
Lexi Java-Sept. 25th
Carol Doscher-Sept. 28th
Sho Biz Reads-Oct. 1st
David L Morgan-Oct. 23rd
Green Eyed Girl 0704-Oct. 25th
Rajivs Reviews-Oct. 27th

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