Pretty Funny for a Girl by Rebecca Elliott

Pretty Funny for a Girl

Pretty Funny for a Girl by Rebecca Elliott

Release: October 1st 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Peachtree Publishing Company
Source: Jean Book Nerds
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazonB&N,TBD



A candid and laugh-out-loud journey of family, friends, and fierce mistakes.

Haylah Swinton is an ace best friend, a loving daughter. She is also an incredibly patient sister to a four-year-old nutcase of a brother. Best of all, she’s pretty confident she has mastery over every awkward situation. For example, from her mom’s new boy friend to unsolicited remarks on her plus-sized figure. Haylah’s learning to embrace all of her curvy parts . Besides, she has a secret: one day, she’ll be a stand-up comedian star.

So when impossibly cool  Leo reveals he’s also into comedy, Haylah jumps at the chance to ghost-write his sets. But is Leo as interested in returning the favor? Even though her friends warn her of Leo’s intentions, Haylah’s not ready to listen. On the contrary, she might just be digging herself deeper toward heartbreak. If Haylah’s ever going to step into the spotlight, first she’ll need to find the confidence  and strut like the boss she really is.

Rebecca Elliott’s hilarious and authentic narrative voice is sure to capture readers’ hearts as her plus-sized, teenage heroine navigates learning to love the body she’s in while dealing with friends, family, and boys.

About the Author:

When Rebecca was six, she precociously pronounced that she wanted to be ‘an artist and a writer’. After a ‘brief’ detour from this career plan involving wanting to be Stephen Fry, a degree in philosophy and a dull office job, she fulfilled her dream in 2001 when she became a full time children’s book illustrator. Since then she has become an award-winning and bestselling author of over 30 books for children, including her ongoing series Owl Diaries which has sold nearly 6 million copies worldwide.
If she’s not story-making Rebecca can be found reading, podcasting (‘Don’t Laugh But’) , drumming or singing in her band, making something (normally a mess), or just hanging out in sunny Suffolk with her husband, gorgeous children, moronic chickens and sarcastic cat Bernard.

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Pretty Funny for a Girl Review:

This is just a wonderful, feel good, humorous YA novel that I loved.

The main highlight of the story is the theme. The author writes the story in such a charming manner where you smile throughout the tale. The concept is unique and fun and emphasizes on self-empowerment. It does not matter how you look as long as you love yourself and are confident.

I loved Haylah as the lead and thought she was hilarious. She is not perfect in any manner, and she is over emotional and impulsive at times. But she tries her best to fit in and be part of the crowd. Although she struggles with self-esteem issues, I loved how she matures in the story. Some of the conversations made me laugh so much, like when she tries to explain Noah about babies, and how she tells Leo that she wants to be a communist. Moreover, I love that she doesn’t let her weight affect her, and takes a remark like ‘pig’ and turns it to her advantage. All the supporting characters are also wonderful. Noah is adorable as the younger brother, and I loved Haylah’s friends Kas and Chloe. Ruben is also a sweetheart.

I also enjoyed the side story of where her mother dates Ruben. It is never easy sharing a loved one when you are young and possessive. I think the author beautifully talked about this in a realistic manner. The author has a wonderful talent for writing comedy and drama and merge it seamlessly. I hope the author writes many more such novels, because this was just perfect!

Overall, I highly recommend this book if you a nice contemporary read with lots of humor.


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Pretty Funny for a Girl

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