Princess Monroe & Her Happily Ever After by Jody Smith

Princess Monroe & Her Happily Ever

Princess Monroe & Her Happily Ever After by Jody Smith

Release: September 12th 2018
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Purple Butterfly Press
Source: LoveBook Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon UK, Amazon US



“I am a Princess AND a Warrior.”

Do you have a daughter who sports tutus and converse shoes with a sword swung over her back? Then she’s going to LOVE Princess Monroe, a princess who saves herself! Princess Monroe is more than just a princess. She’s an independent girl with lots of different interests. While her Queen Mom has ideas of finding her a prince, Monroe wants to explore, learn, play, get dirty, and find her own way in the world.

As the princess continues to prove that she can do anything she wants, without being saved by a prince, her mom starts to listen. Ultimately, Monroe finds her own happy ending.

If you look for something other than reading fairy tales about princesses who need a prince to rescue them to your daughter, this spunky little bi-racial princess is the answer for you.

Perfect for both young girls and boys who want to feel empowered while finding their own way in the world,

About the Author:

Jody Smith is a first-time author and longtime believer in fairytales. A former interior designer and store owner, this now present mama, dreamer and explorer is telling stories just outside of Mpls, MN. She loves watching her two charismatic girls use their imagination, grit, smarts and whimsy to navigate this world. It inspired her to write a book for all the princesses who are capable of saving themselves and for all the mindful mothers who revel in raising strong daughters.

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Princess Monroe & Her Happily Ever After Review:

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“Princess Monroe & Her Happily Ever After” is a beautiful children’s novel that tells young readers to dream big!

Firstly, I commend the author for writing such a sweet and inspiring children’s book. I loved the concept of the story, and I feel it would resonate even with adults. From children to adults, we are told by family and society what path to take and what to do. While we have responsibilities to perform, the book emphasizes that it is never too late to dream big and follow your dreams.

In this book, Princess Monroe has to act like a prim and proper princess, look pretty, and wait for Prince Charming. However, she longs for adventure and has many interests that she likes to test. From rock climbing to sustainable farming, Roe wants to try it all! I adored her curiosity and eagerness to step out of her comfort zone. Moreover, I loved her relationship with her mother, The Queen. The two of them talk like friends, and I loved how encouraging the mother was towards her.

Furthermore, the illustrations by Glynise Martin were gorgeous. The colors contrast beautifully and make the story stand out. I particularly loved Roe’s expressions as she imagined being a pirate or a pet doctor. I hope the author and the illustrator branch this into a series because I would love to read more about Princess Monroe and what happens to her.

Overall, “Princess Monroe & Her Happily Ever After” is a splendid children’s book that children will enjoy reading for the colorful drawings and inspire adults.

Book Tour Schedule

Princess Monroe & Her Happily Ever

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Princess Monroe & Her Happily Ever After by Jody Smith Blog Tour hosted by LoveBook Tours



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