Promises to Keep by Nan Rossiter

Promises to Keep

Promises to Keep by Nan Rossiter

Release: April 27th, 2021
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Harper Paperbacks
Source: Suzyapproved Book Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, KindleB&N



In this heartwarming sequel to Promises of the Heart in the Savannah Skies series, USA Today bestselling author Nan Rossiter returns to Tybee Island off the Georgia coast to focus on beloved characters Maeve and Gage as their relationship is tested by secrets they are keeping from each other.

Thirty-four-year-old Maeve Lindstrom loves her job at Willow Pond Senior Care. Her older sister Macey thinks Maeve is the only human being on earth who can make working in a nursing home sound like fun.  While Maeve enjoys being around the seniors, she also helps them navigate their senior years. Thus she brightens a time that can be, all too often, a lonely, sad stage of life.

Thirty-three-year-old Gage Tennyson brings his mischievous yellow Lab, Gus, to whatever restoration job he is working on with Macey’s husband Ben. And he loves Maeve with all his heart. He’s a handsome country boy and a true southern gentleman. But as he and Maeve grow closer, they both sense that they haven’t been completely forthcoming about their pasts.

When Maeve realizes Gage might be planning to propose, she knows she must finally be honest with everyone she holds dear. She can no longer live with the secret she’s been dragging around like an anchor.  And she knows the only way she will be free to build a lifetime relationship with Gage is to risk everything including his love and respect. Before she finds the courage, however, her past comes rocking into her life in a shocking and unexpected way.

About the Author:

Nan Rossiter loves to weave together stories about the complicated relationships to which all readers can relate. She draws from her own experiences to create authentic situations that mirror the trials and triumphs of life. Compassionate, real, and funny, her books take readers on emotional journeys. That often includes heartbreak and joy, but also includes threads of faith and an uplifting ending.  Reviewers have highly acclaimed her books from Publisher’s Weekly to Booklist. Her novel, SUMMER DANCE, was the 2018 winner of the Nancy Pearl Award.

 Besides, Nan is a graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design.  And She began her writing career in the world of children’s books. Along with her many contemporary fiction novels, she is the author, illustrator of several books for children. These include RUGBY & ROSIE, winner of Nebraska’s Golden Sower Award.

Nan lives on a quiet country road in Connecticut with her husband. And has a solemn black Lab named Finn who diligently watches her every move. . Nan and her husband are the parents of two handsome sons with life journeys of their own. 

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Promises to Keep Review:

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There are times when I read a book that immediately makes me fall in love with it, only because of the author’s style of writing, and that is what “Promises to Keep” did for me. I have not read the first book in the “Savannah Skies” series, but that did not stop me from enjoying the story.

The author paces the story wonderfully, prioritizing the characters. I loved all the characters in the story, and by the end, I felt like they were all my family members. Maeve, Gage, and Mason are beautiful in the lead, and I loved how their storylines merged. Some moments made me laugh, like Glady’s raunchy comments, and moments that made my heart swell, like Mason’s graduation speech.

Moreover, the storyline is a straightforward one, where if it were another author, I would have gotten bored. There is not much that happens with the characters, except the middle, when the two parallel storylines merge surprisingly. Yet, the author narrated the story in such an eloquent manner that made me fall in love with the characters. I adored the scenes, even if it was just daily dialogues between the characters. I loved Maeve and Harper when they discussed which book to read next, or Maeve talked to the residents like Gladys or Bud. All the characters are charming, and even though they all face challenges, they make the atmosphere feel idyllic.

After reading this, I will surely pick up “Promises of the Heart” to see how the series started with Ben, Macey, and Harper. Overall, “Promises to Keep” is a heartwarming tale of family, friendship, and romance, and I loved reading it!


Book Tour Schedule

Promises to Keep

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Promises to Keep by Nan Rossiter Blog Tour hosted by Suzyapproved Book Tours.



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