Queen to Ashes by Mallory McCartney

Queen to Ashes

Queen to Ashes (Black Dawn #2) by Mallory McCartney

Release: April 21st 2020
Format: Paperback
Publisher: MM Books
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it at: GoodReads, Amazon, Kindle , B&N, Amazon CA



You lived your entire life feeling like half of you was missing. Fight for the missing part. Fight for this.”

Emory Fae has abandoned everything she thought she knew about her previous life on Earth. Stepping up to her role as Queen of Kiero she makes a startling sacrifice- feigning her allegiances to Adair Stratton, the man who murdered her parents and casted Kiero into ruin. Emory’s memories slowly piece together, and she soon realizes the Mad King may not be all he seems— and the man who was once best friend, may be fighting beneath the surface.

With the King’s attention on her, can she buy Black Dawn Rebellion enough time to recuperate their forces? And when the times comes, will she be able to kill Adair, ending his tyranny and rising herself as the rightful Queen? Fighting to hide her secret, Emory navigates the brutal trials of the Mad King, trying not to lose herself in the process.

Sequel to Heir of Lies, now a bestselling series, the sparks are ignited, as Emory learns the cost of freedom, and her heritage. Will the rebels unite in time? A sinister force has spread across the land, stripping everyone bare- their betrayals, their secrets, their intentions. But above all, what will their decisions cost? By refusing to give in to the darkness, will Emory rise as Queen?

About the Author:

Mallory McCartney currently lives in Sarnia, Ontario with her husband and their three dachshunds Link, Lola and Leonard. When she isn’t working on her next novel or reading, she can be found day dreaming about fantasy worlds and hiking. Other favorite pastimes involve reorganizing perpetually overflowing bookshelves and seeking out new coffee and dessert shops.

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Queen to Ashes Review:

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Firstly, I liked the new characters in the canvas like Azarius, Lana, Alby, Riona, and Kiana. Azarius and Lana, in particular, stood out, and I loved how they looked out for each other as they progress in the story. The Oileans also gave me shivers for some reason. What’s interesting is how the author portrayed the character’s emotions.

Moreover, each character goes through a conflicting set of emotions that made me connect with them. For instance, I loved the moments where Emory tries to see the good side of Adair and wonders if she is alone or has allies in the mission. Frankly, Emory’s scenes with Adair are the best moments in the story. Emory goes through a lot in the story, later even with Brokk, and I liked how the author wrote the character. Surprisingly, my favorite character in this tale was Nyx. Nyx is intense, assertive, and goes through many emotions as she wonders how to put herself first instead of risking her life for others.

Similarly, the author also adds exciting adventure moments like when Brokk finds himself in the river’s turmoil or when Emory and Riona’s scenes are on the ship. While this book did not have the same impact as the first one, I thought the author paced it very well, as it is shorter.

However, I wished we had more of Adair and Memphis in the tale. There are quick a few shocking moments in the story, but I would have liked to see more of them. I felt that Memphis only became prominent towards the end of the book. The author also ends the story nicely, making you want to pick up the next book and continue reading.

Overall, “Queen to Ashes” is a lovely continuation of the series.

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Heir of Lies

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Queen to Ashes (Black Dawn #2) by Mallory McCartney Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours.

Tour Schedule

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Jaimerockstarbooktours-Card Reveal- Nyx-8-17-2021

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