Red Deception by Gary Grossman, Ed Fuller

Red Deception

Red Deception by Gary Grossman, Ed Fuller

Release: June 22nd, 2021
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Beaufort Books
Source: jeanbooknerd Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N, TBD



Intelligence experts and thriller authors concur: Red Deception is  a page turner by authors who might as well sit on the National Security Council. When terrorists bomb bridges across the country and threaten the Hoover Dam, the vulnerability of America’s infrastructure becomes a matter of national security. But Dan Reilly, a former Army intelligence officer, predicted the attacks in a secret State Department report written years earlier. It is a virtual blueprint for disaster, somehow leaked and now in the hands of foreign operatives.

With Washington distracted by domestic crises, Russian President Nicolai Gorshkov sends troops to the borders of Ukraine and Latvia, ready to reclaim what he feels is Russia’s rightful territory. Tensions in Europe threaten to boil over as a besieged American president balances multiple crises that threaten to upend the geopolitical order. With the US at the mercy of a egomaniacal leader, and reporters and covert agents on his tail, Reilly may be the one man who can connect the dots before an even bigger catastrophe unfolds. Red Deception is the second book in the Red Hotel series.


ED FULLER is CEO of Laguna Strategic Advisors, a global consortium providing business consulting services worldwide. During his forty-year career with Marriott Internati, he has served on both business and charitable boards, including as president and managing director.

Under his management the international division grew from 16 to 550 hotels in 73 countries with 80,000 associates and sales of 8 billion dollars. Upon retirement, Ed repurposed his career in several arenas. He has served on five university boards as well as adjunct professor for both MBA and undergraduate students. Also, for over four years he was a blogger for Forbes and other tourism and lodging industry media.

As author Ed published ‘You Can’t Lead with Your Feet on the Desk’ in English, Japanese and Chinese distributed throughout the world. In 2018 he and co-author Gary Grossman released their high energy thriller Red Hotel and in 2021 will release Red Deception, followed by Red Chaos as part of the Red Hotel series. Ed served as an Army captain in both Germany and Vietnam, receiving the Bronze Star and the Army Commendation medals. He and his wife Michela reside in Orange County, California.

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GARY GROSSMAN’s first novel was Executive Actions, followed by  Executive Treason, Executive Command, and Executive Force based on his experience as a journalist, newspaper columnist, documentary television producer, reporter, and media historian.

In addition to the bestselling Executive series, Grossman wrote the international award winning Old Earth, a geological thriller that spans all of time. With Red Hotel and Red Deception, his collaborations with Ed Fuller, Grossman entered a new realm of globe-hopping thriller writing.

Moreover, Grossman has contributed to the New York Times and the Boston Globe, and was a columnist for the Boston Herald American. He covered presidential campaigns for WBZ-TV in Boston. A multiple Emmy series and specials for networks including NBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, Fox, History Channel, Discovery and National Geographic Channel. He served as chair of the Government Affairs Committee for the Caucus for Producers, Writers and Directors, and is a member of the International Thriller Writers Association and Military Writers Society of America. He is a trustee at Emerson College and serves on the Boston University Metropolitan College Advisory Board. Grossman has taught at Emerson College, Boston University, USC, and currently teaches at Loyola Marymount University.


Red Deception Review:

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I admit I am not an avid reader of political thrillers, but “Red Deception” had me engrossed from the first page. This book was a whirlwind, roller-coaster ride of action, adventure, and thrills!

Firstly, I wasn’t aware that this is the second book in a series. But, after reading this, I surely want to pick up “Red Hotel” to see Reilly’s previous adventure. Reilly is terrific in the lead as he travels around the world, trying to stop the catastrophe. However, what’s lovely about the book is that it is not a one-person show. Although Reilly is the primary character, the author balances the plot with other memorable characters like Savannah, Moore, Marnie, and President Crowe. I particularly liked the conversations between Moore and Reilly. Similarly, Nicolai Gorshkov is so conniving that you wonder how far he would go to reclaim his territories.

Moreover, the author did a fantastic job with the story and will keep you on your toes. I even found some parts difficult to read because of its theme, as it could very well happen. The plot intensifies up to a point to the brink of another world war. There are so many memorable moments in the story. Some of the most intense moments were when something happens to President Crowe to jeopardize his health and when Reilly is on the bus with the hostages in Ukraine. At the same time, I also liked the personal moments where Reilly tries to spend time with Marnie.

Overall, “Red Deception” is a gripping thriller filled with political espionage, spies, and intense action. Even if you haven’t read the first book, you will thoroughly enjoy this one.


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Red Deception

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