Rico Stays by Ed Duncan

Rico Stays

Rico Stays by Ed Duncan

Release: May 5 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Blurb
Source: Author
Find it at: Amazon



After enforcer Richard “Rico” Sanders stepped in to protect his girlfriend from a local mob boss’s hot-headed nephew, all hell broke loose.

When the smoke cleared, the nephew had vanished, but three goons who had tried to help him lay dying where they’d stood.  Rico lived fighting for his life, even after gravely wounded.

Out of the hospital but not fully recovered, he needed a place to crash – a place Where no men,looking for him  would find him   A place like the cabin owned by lawyer Paul Elliott, whose life Rico had saved more than once.  Trouble was, Paul’s girlfriend hadn’t forgotten Rico’s dark history.  Or Paul’s fascination with him.

Using Rico’s girlfriend as bait, vengeful killers soon would be coming for him.  The only question was whether he would face them alone or with help from Paul.

Rico Stays is the third book in the Pigeon Blood Red Trilogy, but one can read each book in the series as a standalone.

About the Author:

Ed Duncan is a graduate of Oberlin College and Northwestern University Law School. He was a partner at a national law firm in Cleveland, Ohio for many years. He is the original author of a highly regarded legal treatise entitled Ohio Insurance Coverage published by Thomson West in 2008 which he updated annually through 2012. Ed currently lives outside of Cleveland and recently completed the third installment of the Pigeon-Blood Red trilogy, Rico Stays

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Rico Stays Review:

I am not an avid reader of crime/action books about gangsters, but Rico Stays was really good!

Even though I have not read the first two books, I had no trouble following this story. The author explains the flashbacks from the previous books clearly. The first thing that stood out for me was the action moments, which were just amazing! From page one, the story starts off with a bang where Rico deals with Larry. Rico is like James Bond and Jason Bourne put together. As the story progresses, the way he tackles his foes is pure entertainment, and I loved every minute of it.

The author also did an amazing job with the characters. Most of the characters are very complex and interesting. Even though Gus and Cleveland are supposed to be bad, I really loved them, and rooted for them. I especially loved Cleveland’s relationship with Sadie. Their romance is so innocent and bitter-sweet; my heart went out to them. Larry is a despicable guy and I hated him with a passion. The author paints the characters in such a way that makes you glued to them.  I also enjoyed the emotions Evelyn experiences on her opinions of Rico.

However, there are few parts which I felt could have been better. There were some scenes that were unnecessary, like the chapter which talks about a case with Rico and Jerry. Also, I really liked Valerie and thought she was interesting. Unfortunately, she only appears for a short while, and I wanted her to continue in the plot.

Overall, Rico Stays is a very entertaining story to read if you are in the mood for a good crime, action adventure.

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