Romantic Guerrilla by DS Kumar

Romantic Guerrilla by DS Kumar 
Release: 2019
Format: Ebook
Publisher: NA
Source: Amazon




Subash Bodhi is an entrepreneur who runs his startup in style. He gets into a power struggle with Prakash Bhasani, a billionaire investor and heir of a family-run business group. As the conflict escalates, Subash gets kicked out of his startup. He comes back for justice with a guerrilla army, consisting of a hacker, mimicry artist, MMA fighter and a call girl. His aim is to humiliate Bhasani group and family, using social and system hacks. This battle also features a pop star, Bollywood actress and a porn star.

Romantic Guerrilla Review:

I received an e-copy of this book from the author in exchange for my opinion and review.

This was actually a fun book to read. I initially felt hesitant in reading a few chapters because I didn’t really like Subash as the main character. He came off as a very crass, uncouth fellow and it was hard to imagine him as a smart innovative entrepreneur. However, the story picks up after Subash gets thrown by the Bhasani family. After that, it is a rollercoaster ride of adventure and mayhem!

I also really liked DS Kumar’s style of writing. The plot is smooth, easy to follow, and fast-paced. There are prominent businesses in India that overthrow smaller companies headed by such families who can literally buy anything or anyone. So it was interesting to see how a common man would try to bring them down in a delightfully evil way. The characters are down to earth, and even though I would not want to be in their situation, I could still relate to them. Moreover, I even started to like Subash and how forms his new Guerrilla team to bring the Bhasani family down. In fact, I enjoyed the supporting cast more than Subash in certain areas, particularly Mohini and Vijay.

My only concern with this book is in its detailed explicit sex scenes. I am sure it will appeal to a certain set of readers who enjoy this. But personally I felt like it stepped away from the plot and was unnecessary, and could have been written in a more tasteful manner.

But apart from that, I really did enjoy this novel and would be interested in picking up the author’s future works.

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