Rose: A Double Life (Rose #1) by Valérie Vernay, Denis Lapière, Émilie Alibert


Rose: A Double Life (Rose #1) by Valérie Vernay, Denis Lapière, Émilie Alibert
Release: June 19th 2019
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Europe Comics
Source: Netgalley



Ever since she was a little girl, Rose has had a special and troubling power: the ability to “double” herself and travel outside her body. She always saw it as something wrong with her… until now. When her father is murdered, Rose’s strange ability gives her a chance to find her father’s killer, solve a series of mysterious cold cases, and untangle a centuries-old curse. But maybe some secrets should stay buried…

Rose a Double Life Review:

A big thank you to NetGalley and Europe comics for providing a copy of “Rose: A Double life” for my opinion and review. I loved reading this graphic novel and thought it was a great start to the trilogy!

Firstly, I really liked Rose as the main character. She has the unique ability to project out of her body and interact with ghosts, and I found this to be a very unique concept. Moreover, the story-line is very intriguing with quite a few mysterious plots that are somehow all tied together. Some of the characters are also very strange, like Rose’s friend who is working on her father’s case. I liked the supernatural element thrown into the story so you don’t know how it is going to turn out. Furthermore, the three ghosts in the apartment are entertaining and provide a bit of a comic relief as well in the story.

The pacing is a bit slow but I felt works really well with the theme of the story. In addition, Valérie Vernay has done a wonderful job with the illustrations. Each panel is like watching a movie where we see Rose walk the streets lost in her thoughts. I also liked the idea of how the Rose’s surroundings turn grey when she is out of her body. Moreover, the publishing company have also done a nice job with the translation. Few of these ‘dubbed’ comics seem to lose their edge when translated in English, but this still managed to hold the suspense level.

In short, “Rose: A double life” perfectly sets the tone for the trilogy and I cannot wait to pick up the next installments to read. Overall, this is a good book if you want to pick up a graphic novel with mystery, suspense, historical reference, murder and ghosts!

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