Rosie Loves Jack by Mel Darbon

Rosie Loves Jack

Rosie Loves Jack by Mel Darbon

Release: March 1st, 2021
Format: Hardcover
Publisher: Peachtree Publishing Company 
Source: Publisher
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&NKobo.



Fall in love with sixteen-year-old Rosie, a girl with Down syndrome who’s fighting for little freedoms, tolerance, and love. A stunning, beautifully insightful debut YA novel from Mel Darbon.

“They can’t send you away. What will we do? We need us. I stop your anger, Jack. And you make me strong. You make me Rosie.”

Rosie loves Jack. Jack loves Rosie. So when they’re separated, Rosie will do anything to find the boy who makes the sunshine in her head. Then, she will even defy her parents’ orders and run away from home. But, even struggle across London and travel to Brighton on her own, though the trains are canceled, and the snow is falling. Hence, even though people might think a girl like Rosie, who has Down syndrome, could never survive independently.

Introducing a strong and determined protagonist with Down syndrome, debut author Mel Darbon gives readers an underrepresented but much-needed point of view with a voice-driven, heartfelt story of finding your place in an often big and intimidating world.

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About the Author:

Mel Darbon spent a large part of her childhood inventing stories to keep her autistic brother happy on car journeys. Also, she won’t mention the time spent with him standing by level crossings waiting for the InterCity 125 to go past as she wouldn’t want to be labeled a trainspotter.

Life took her in many different directions working as a theatre designer, a freelance artist, teaching young adults with learning disabilities, and running creative workshops for teenage mums, young offenders, and toddlers (though not all together).

Moreover, Mel now writes young adult novels and is a recent graduate of Bath Spa’s MA in Writing For Young People, where she found a channel to give voice to young people who otherwise might not be heard.

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Rosie Loves Jack Review:

Rosie Loves Jack” is the first UK YA book I have ever read, and I enjoyed it!

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Firstly, the author has a charming style of telling the story that immediately gives you the feeling of being in England. The dialogues and surroundings are authentic to the characters and adequately grounded the story. Moreover, there is never a dull moment in the tale, as Rose experiences the world and how harsh it can be. There are some challenging moments that she faces, and you wonder how she will survive them.

Speaking of whom, Rose is an interesting character. I appreciate the author highlighting her Down Syndrome and how it doesn’t stop Rose from her mission. Similarly, the author also writes her adventures in a gripping manner, where you don’t know who she will encounter next. The story’s highlight was when she gets stuck with Janek and Lisette and doesn’t know how to escape. Tom and Bella are also adorable, and I loved how he helps her out during her weakest moments. Frankly, there were times where I wanted to shake Rose for how immature she is, and yet, I could somewhat relate to her.

However, my only downside to the story is that I didn’t connect with Rose and Jack’s romance. There was no buildup or enough history between the two of them for me to invest in the couple. Yes, we get snippets of some of their moments via flashbacks, but it didn’t make me feel for the couple. The only reason I enjoyed the story was to find out what would happen to Rose in her journey. Honestly, I didn’t care if she found Jack in the end or not.

Nevertheless, I think “Rosie Loves Jack” is a unique and exciting debut novel that holds well independently.

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