Scandal's Deception

Scandal’s Deception by Pamela Gibson

Release: July 21st 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Soul Mate Publishing, LLC
Source: HFVirtual Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon



Jane Stafford, raised in America, is in for a shock when she learns she is a wealthy heiress, her late father was an earl, and her English mother is alive. Anxious to meet the woman she long-thought dead, she travels to London. There  her sinfully handsome guardian whisks her away to a remote estate to school her in the ways of the ton.

Gilbert Carmichael, Lord Ralston, chafes at having to make a rebellious young heiress acceptable to society, especially one who is impetuous and blatantly democratic. Because the instruction she needs is more than deportment and dancing. It’s also about how to spot a rake who might woo her for her fortune.

When Ralston learns his ward is to be used as a pawn in an elaborate scheme involving a secret impersonation, he will move heaven and earth to keep her safe. Because proximity has brought the uncomfortable knowledge that his interest may be more than duty—it just might be love.

About the Author:

Author of eight books on California history and sixteen romance novels, Pamela Gibson is a former City Manager who now lives in the Nevada desert. She has a bachelor’s degree in history and a master’s degree in public administration, but her passion is and always has been writing.

Having spent three years messing about in boats, a hobby that included a five-thousand-mile trip in a 32-foot Nordic Tug, she now spends most of her time indoors happily reading, writing, cooking and keeping up with the antics of Ralph, her Siamese rescue cat.

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Scandal’s Deception Review:

I honestly did not know that this was a part of a series before reading, but that did not stop me from enjoying the book. Frankly, the book turned out to be very entertaining and prompted me to read the first book in the series, “Scandal’s Child.”

I have read quite a few historical novels with intrigue and romance and had a notion of what to expect with this story. The author, however, surprised me by making the book unique and kept me guessing. I wondered why Jane’s mother never came to see her or why Jocelyn did not bond with her. The author maintained a certain level of mystery throughout the story as Jane tries to find answers. There are also some thrilling moments, like when Jane is held captive and needs to find a way to escape. There was never a dull moment in the story.

Moreover, considering that this is a romance novel, I enjoyed Jane’s chemistry with Lord Ralston. In the beginning, he is only her guardian. But as they spend more time together, the sparks fly between them. Albeit a tad cliched, the romance scenes were still entertaining to read. Frankly, I enjoyed reading this novel mainly for its mysterious plot. The author also wrote the characters charmingly, and I adored Jane in the lead. She is not afraid to show her emotions and comes off as a solid and likable person. Apart from Lord Ralston, I also enjoyed her scenes with Lady Amelia.

Overall, “Scandal’s Deception” is a great historical romance with intrigue, and you can read it as a standalone. If all the previous books are as good as this one, I will indeed be reading them.


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Book Tour Schedule:

Scandal's Deception

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Scandal’s Deception by Pamela Gibson Blog Tour hosted by HFVirtual Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!


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