Scattered Souls by Erica Lucke Dean

Scattered Souls

Scattered Souls (Flames of Time #2) by Erica Lucke Dean

Release: January 7, 2017
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Red Adept Publishing, LLC
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazonKindle, Audible, B&N, iBooks, Kobo



Curse is on Ava Flynn 

After barely surviving an epic battle between her warring soul mates, Ava finds herself stranded in the past with Laith while Maddox frantically searches across the decades. Laith will stop at nothing to prove his love to Ava, and a desperate Maddox must race against time to find her before his brother can win her heart.

Torn between the two brothers, Ava comes to the horrifying conclusion that only she can break the curse with her eternal soul at stake. But the cost may be more than she is willing to pay. 

About the Author:

After walking away from her career as a business banker to pursue writing full-time, Erica moved from the hustle and bustle of the big city to a small tourist town in the North Georgia Mountains where she lives in a 90-year-old haunted farmhouse with her workaholic husband, her 180lb lap dog, and at least one ghost.

When she’s not busy writing or tending to her collection of crazy chickens, diabolical ducks, and a quintet of piglets, hell-bent on having her for dinner, she’s either reading bad fan fiction or singing karaoke in the local pub. Much like the characters in her books, Erica is a magnet for disaster and has been known to trip on air while walking across flat surfaces.

How she’s managed to survive this long is one of life’s great mysteries.
You can find out more about Erica, in addition to her humorous blog posts and disasters, on her website.
Represented by: Kelly Peterson of Corvisiero Literary Agency

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Scattered Souls Review:

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“Scattered Souls” was so much better than the first book, and I loved reading it.

Firstly, I have to commend the author’s creative story-telling because I loved how she incorporated time-travel with the YA elements to make the book so addictive. The author tortured me as a reader because I got torn between Laith and Maddox. I thought Ava fit well with them both and went crazy when she got feelings for Laith after missing Maddox. Even though the author uses quite a bit of ‘instant love, which I am not too fond of, I would make an exception because the storyline was thoroughly entertaining.

Moreover, there is a lot of time traveling as Ava goes back to 1920 and meets her father. Speaking of which, I was also fascinating (and a bit disgusted) to read the scenes between Ava and her father. On a side note, I also enjoyed the references to famous people during the time, like how Ava meets Al Capone. Ava is excellent in the lead as she tries to figure out how she can end the curse before Maddox and Laith tear each other apart. I also enjoyed Jane and Josh in the supporting roles.

Furthermore, the climax is fantastic! I’m not going to spoil her, but it’s a very innovative ending and one which I never read in any other young adult fantasy. It immediately made me want to pick up the next book in the series to see how it continues.

Overall, “Scattered Souls” is a beautiful continuation to the “Flames of Time” series, and I can’t wait to read the next installment.


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Flames of time

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Scattered Souls (Flames of Time #2) by Erica Lucke Dean Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post, and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule
Week 1:

Two Chicks on Books-Excerpt-Splintered Souls-6-28-2021
The Momma Spot-Excerpt-Splintered Souls-6-29-2021
Rajiv’s Reviews-Review-6-30-2021
BookHounds YA -Excerpt-Splintered Souls-7-2-2021

Week 2:

Lady Hawkeye-Excerpt- Scattered Souls-7-5-2021
Jotted by Jena-Excerpt- Scattered Souls-7-6-2021
The Reading Devil-Excerpt- Scattered Souls-7-7-2021
@under_the_aurora.borealis -Review-7-8-2021

Week 3:

bookblogarama -Excerpt-Shattered Souls-7-12-2021
Amani’s Reviews-Excerpt-Shattered Souls-7-13-2021
#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog-Excerpt-Shattered Souls-7-15-2021
Drunk On Pop-Excerpt-Shattered Souls-7-16-2021

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