Shadow Shinjuku

Shadow Shinjuku by Ryu Takeshi

Release: July 23rd 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Purple Crow Press
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon US, Kindle, Amazon UK __


The streets of Tokyo are different at night. There is darkness behind the glitter and the neon lights, and people who prefer to stay in the shadows, to dwell in the underworld – whores, gangsters, the homeless, the lost. People like Sato. He’s part of this world, he always has been, but a feeling of change is lingering in the heavy air of the bustling city. A feeling brought to life by fateful encounters of solitary souls.

Shadow Shinjuku is a dark, yet magical journey into the depths of Tokyo’s nightlife and the depths of the human soul. Ryu Takeshi’s first novel is both a noir crime thriller and urban fantasy. It’s a unique and mesmerizing blend of the imagery of Japanese animation and film, the colors and details of street photography, and the mystical lyricism of soulful music. But above everything, it is a gripping story that doesn’t let go. 

About the Author:

Ryu loves to write. It’s a way for him to find and explore new worlds, both inner ones and those way outside. And this process is spontaneous and instinctive, his stories born out of a single image, following a path Ryu himself never fully understands – not its origin, nor its end -, immersed in the magic of the moment, and the magic of everything that surrounds us, the visible and the invisible.

Ryu is a daydreamer, a believer in the magic of humanity, a friend to all the mystical creatures of the night, and a sucker for the visual beauty of anime. But above all else, Ryu is just a human being, like yourself.

Ryu was born in 1983, has a beautiful wife, a funny little dog, and a lovely daughter. He adores sumo, practices traditional kenjutsu, sometimes plays basketball (Go Denver Nuggets!), relaxes playing video games, watching anime and reading books. Oh, and he loves to eat! But who doesn’t…

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Shadow Shinjuku Review:

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Secret scrolls, duels, and a mystical world make “Shadow Shinjuku” a memorable read!

Let me preface by saying that I didn’t even know what Shinjuku was until I read the book. Moreover, the first thing that impressed me about the book was the Tokyo setting. I don’t get to read many books set in the city, and I enjoyed how the author brought the story and the characters to life. The author introduced terms like tatami and places like Roppongi and Azabu, making the story feel authentic. The story gets fascinating as Sato meets the strange man and experiences something unlike anything before. The author has a beautiful writing style where introduces magical and fantasy elements into the storyline.

The author also adds some side stories like Miyako-san, which Kobayashi-san tells Sato that entertained me. Some of the memorable moments of the story involved the duel with Ryuji or when he has a conversation with Ren where they talk about being responsible for their actions. What’s nice is how the author connects you to the character’s emotions, even though the story has fantasy elements.

The supporting characters are also dynamic. Kobayashi-san made me uncomfortable with how powerful he was. Similarly, Kei was hilarious and one of my favorite supporting characters. Similarly, even Ren was dynamic, and I loved the moments where they spent near the pond. There were also thrilling moments like when he learns about the hostage situation, when he hears Kiki scream, or when they visit Captain Jack.

Furthermore, the author also ends the story with an action-packed climax and a surprising end. Overall, “Shadow Shinjuku” is a highly addictive novel to read, and you wouldn’t be able to put it down once you start! Now I feel like spending time watching the movie Gallipoli.


Book Tour Schedule

Shadow Shinjuku

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Shadow Shinjuku by Ryu Takeshi Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours



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