Small Forgotten Moments

Small Forgotten Moments by Annalisa Crawford

Release: August 31st 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Vine Leaves Press
Source: Zooloo Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&NKobo



Is Zenna a muse, a sleep-deprived apparition, or something much more sinister?

Suffering long-term amnesia, artist Jo Mckye is ready to start a fresh, new project after the success of her debut exhibition. But the fictional subject of the collection, Zenna, won’t let go so easily. Infiltrating Jo’s dreams—and increasingly, her waking hours—Zenna is fast becoming a dangerous obsession.

Jo is confident the answers lie at her childhood home, an idyllic Cornish village on the south-east coast; she just doesn’t know why. Only when she walks into the sea and almost drowns does the past start to unravel.

Haunting and melodic, fans of Daphne du Maurier and Daisy Johnson will adore this.

About the Author:

Annalisa Crawford lives in Cornwall UK, with a good supply of moorland and beaches to keep her inspired. And She lives with her husband, two sons, and dog.

Crawford writes dark contemporary, character-driven stories, with a hint of the paranormal.

Over the years, she has won several competitions, had many short stories published in small press journals and online. Highlights include her 3rd place in the Costa Short Story Award 2015 and in the longlist for the Commonwealth Short Story Prize and Bath Short Story Award in 2018.

She is the author of four short story and novella collections, and Vine Leaves Press published her first novel, Grace & Serenity, in July 2020.

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Small Forgotten Moments Review:

“Small Forgotten Moments” is a creepy, slow-burn psychological novel that sneaks on you and hooks you to the plot.

Let me begin by saying that I love amnesia storylines. I am a sucker for any tale where the protagonist cannot remember their past and uncover secrets. In “Small Forgotten Moments,” the author writes the theme wonderfully as Jo tries to discover the origin of Zenna. I also enjoyed the artistic setting as Jo showcases her creativity and is on the verge of becoming popular professionally.

Moreover, the author does a remarkable job of maintaining the suspense. The book does not have those ‘jump scares’ that suddenly shocks you, but it is more of a psychological uneasiness that creeps on you. Moreover, the author has a lovely way of making the story atmospheric and creepy. The author made me guess Jo as I kept wondering if whatever she faced was imaginary or happening. Also, I have read books in a Cornwall setting that have all been contemporary romances, and I always pictured it as an idyllic setting. Hence, it was a pleasant surprise to imagine the place with a darker mindset when Jo spends time with her mother.

Jo is great in the lead, and I enjoyed the inclusion of various twists by the author. Some moments that stood out for me were when her mother first comes into the picture when she pictures Zenna’s blood on the canvas, or Jo learns more about her family. I also liked how the events tested Jo’s relationship with Nathan.

Overall, I enjoyed reading “Small Forgotten Moments” and thought it was a suspenseful, psychological tale.

Book Tour Schedule

Small Forgotten Moments

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Small Forgotten Moments by Annalisa Crawford Blog Tour hosted by Zooloo Book Tours.

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