Someday in Paris by Olivia Lara

Someday in Paris

Someday in Paris by Olivia Lara

Release: May 14, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Aria Fiction/Head of Zeus
Source: Rachel’s Random Resources
Find it at: Amazon , Amazon UK , Kobo , Kobo UK , Apple , Apple UK , B&N , Google



‘It’s about dreams and taking chances. Missed opportunities and mistakes. Loss and sacrifice. But above all, it is about love. The kind of love that survives time, distance… even death. The kind of love I wish for you.’

Finding the one is only the beginning…

1954. Zara is fifteen the first time she meets Leon. During a power cut in a small French museum, the two spend one short hour in the dark talking about their love for art, Monet, and Paris. Neither knows what the other looks like. Both know their lives will never be the same.

1963. In Paris, Leon no longer believes he will ever find the girl he lost that night. After dreaming about him for years, Zara thinks she has already found him. When they meet at an exhibition, they don’t recognize each other – yet the way they feel is so familiar…

Over the course of twenty years, Zara and Leon are destined to fall in love again and again. But will they ever find a way to be together?

The magical new love story of 2020, perfect for hopeless romantics and fans of One Day and The Notebook.

About the Author:

OLIVIA LARA was born and raised in Bucharest in a family of booklovers and storytellers. Since university she has worked as a journalist and marketer in Romania, France and the United States. She is currently a marketing executive in San Francisco and lives in the Bay Area with her husband, young daughter and four cats. Someday in Paris is her first novel.

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Someday in Paris Review:! I just finished reading it and I still have goosebumps.

Its been such a long time since I read a romance saga, and this book did not disappoint! The angst, the love, the romance, the heartbreak. Oh my goodness! This book just had it all. It is one of those stories that just rekindles your belief that your soulmate is still out there.

Zara and Leon shine in the story. As you read their tale, you know that they share a wonderful connection that you wish you could experience. Specifically, I loved the main leads, and I loved to hate the people who came in between them. Whether Zara or Leon, Dominique or Alexander, or even Anthony, you will fall in love with them over and over again. Honestly, Vincent and Nicole are conniving and despicable, especially Nicole.

Moreover, the author wrote the story in a gorgeous way, alternating the chapters between the two character’s point of view. I had tears in my eyes in many scenes. The chemistry the leads share with one another is just tout of this world. The letters and dialogues they communicate with is so innocent and charming, and blends very well with the timeline. Even as individuals, the author describes their love, longing and heartbreak in such a poignant manner that touches your heart.

Honestly, I cannot gush over how much I loved reading this novel. Overall, I LOVED this book so much and I think it is one of the best romance novels I have ever read. If you are a fan of romance and art, and want to read three books this year, read “Someday in Paris” thrice. It is THAT good!


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Book Tour Schedule

Someday in Paris

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Someday in Paris by Olivia Lara Blog Tour hosted by Rachel’s Random Resources. 



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