Something to Talk About by Meryl Wilsner

Something to Talk About

Something to Talk About by Meryl Wilsner
Release: May 26th 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Berkley Books
Source: Amazon


A showrunner and her assistant give the world something to talk about when they accidentally fuel a ridiculous rumor in this debut romance.

Hollywood powerhouse Jo is photographed making her assistant Emma laugh on the red carpet, and just like that, the tabloids declare them a couple. The so-called scandal couldn’t come at a worse time–threatening Emma’s promotion and Jo’s new movie.

As the gossip spreads, it starts to affect all areas of their lives. Paparazzi are following them outside the office, coworkers are treating them differently, and a “source” is feeding information to the media. But their only comment is “no comment”.

With the launch of Jo’s film project fast approaching, the two women begin to spend even more time together, getting along famously. Emma seems to have a sixth sense for knowing what Jo needs. And Jo, known for being aloof and outwardly cold, opens up to Emma in a way neither of them expects. They begin to realize the rumor might not be so off base after all…but is acting on the spark between them worth fanning the gossip flames? 

Something to Talk About Review:

What an adorable, romantic story! The characters are diverse, the romance is fresh and fun! Jo and Emma are dynamic and distinctive in their own manner. I loved both of them individually and their chemistry was also on fire. Emma is sweet and understanding, whereas Jo is controlling and confident. That doesn’t mean they are stereotyped. They show their vulnerability and emotional side to each other in such a sweet way. All the supporting characters like Avery and Evelyn add very well to their dynamic.

Also, I loved the whole setting of the Hollywood lifestyle and thought the author had portrayed it very well. The story also covers quite a few key issues like the #metoo movement, workplace relationship and coming out. There was so much happening in the story that I could not put it down! What starts off as an accidental rumor, soon turns into something that the characters never anticipated. The author did an awesome job for her debut novel! She is a pro in this genre and I really cannot wait to see more of her releases.

However, the story starts to drag towards the end. There is a lot of angst in the last few chapters that just goes back and forth. I felt this was unnecessary and the author could have easily ended the story 5 chapters earlier.  Moreover, it was not so much the angst, it was also the repetition of dialogue. For instance, an incident would occur between Jo and Emma, and the next chapter would have Emma reciting it to Avery, or Jo to Evelyn.

Overall though, I loved that I read this book in the first day of pride month, and I wish to read more of the author’s works in the future!


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