Stepsister by Jennifer Donnelly


Stepsister by Jennifer Donnelly
Release: May 14th 2019
Format: Kindle
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Source: Amazon



Stepsister Synopsis:

Isabelle should be blissfully happy – she’s about to win the handsome prince. Except Isabelle isn’t the beautiful girl who lost the glass slipper and captured the prince’s heart. She’s the ugly stepsister who’s cut off her toes to fit into Cinderella’s shoe … which is now filling with blood.

When the prince discovers Isabelle’s deception, she is turned away in shame. It’s no more than she deserves: she is a plain girl in a world that values beauty; a feisty girl in a world that wants her to be pliant.

Isabelle has tried to fit in. To live up to her mother’s expectations. To be like her stepsister. And, to be sweet. Also, to be pretty. One by one, she has cut away pieces of herself in order to survive a world that doesn’t appreciate a girl like her. And that has made her mean, jealous, and hollow.

Until she gets a chance to alter her destiny and prove what ugly stepsisters have always known: it takes more than heartache to break a girl.



Watch my video review of Stepsister  by Jennifer Donnelly


This was such an amazing book to read and I love so many aspects about it. Firstly, I loved the whole concept of how Fate and Chance are treated like human like characters and how they try to control Isabelle’s life. Moreover, I also loved Isabelle as the main protagonist. The author has done a beautiful job in portraying the story from the stepsister’s perspective.The author has also narrated the story in such a wonderful manner, where we gradually see Isabelle come out of her shell and become someone powerful if given the chance. Overall, I think Stepsister is a wonderful ‘villain’ retelling of a Classic tale.

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