Strong Like Water by Laila Tarraf

Strong Like Water

Strong Like Water: How I Found the Courage to Lead with Love in Business and Life by Laila Tarraf

Release: April 13th, 2021 
Format: Paperback
Publisher: She Writes Press
Source: Suzy approved Book Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, AudibleB&N.



Laila Tarraf was the Chief People Officer for Peet’s Coffee and Tea, the iconic Berkeley coffee roaster that launched the craft coffee movement in America. But she had a secret. She was failing in the most important relationships in her life. Yes, she was a strong and effective business leader, the successful daughter of immigrants, and a toddler’s mother. But she was also disconnected from her own feelings and had little patience for the feelings of others. 

All that changed when life handed her a trifecta of losses. Her husband died of an accidental drug overdose, and her parents’ deaths followed in quick succession. Laila had spent her life leading from the head, convinced that any display of vulnerability would make her soft. What she didn’t expect was that soft would turn out to be strong. As she reconnected to her heart, one painful step at a time, something remarkable happened. Overall, She became a better leader, a better mother, and a better person. Besides, her heart turned out to be the true source of her power, at home and work. 

This is a book about healing, about waking up, about learning who you are, who you really, truly are at the core, and reclaiming and embracing all the pieces of yourself you long ago abandoned in the name of survival. Women longing for balance will discover a path to infusing our leadership and relationships with love, compassion, and authenticity.

About the Author:

Laila Tarraf is a senior human resource executive with more than twenty-five years of professional experience. After graduating with her MBA from the Haas School of Business at the University of California at Berkeley, she became one of the founding team members at She then served as Chief People Officer at Peet’s Coffee and Tea, an iconic Bay Area premium coffee company. Also, Laila is the Head of People and Employee Experience for AllBirds, advises entrepreneurs and investors, and guest lectures at Berkeley Law School. The author currently resides in Larkspur, California. You can find her online at

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Strong Like Water Review:

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Laila is a strong character that easily connected with me. I could picture her ups and downs, and I loved the bond she shares with Nadia. Although Nadia is a young child, there are instances where she shows maturity and depth that made me feel like I could learn things from her.

The author also does an excellent job of toggling between the past and present. The story is compelling as Laila balances the present and reflects on past experiences that impacted her decisions. I loved the moments where she worries about Daniel and how she reacts to the situation. There are many moments where I could connect with Laila’s emotions, especially in the scenes where she talks to Dr. Okin. I also adored a Daddy Box idea to put your thoughts and feelings for a loved one on a side note.

The author also writes the story in a personal manner where you feel like you are a member of her family. I got emotional reading the scenes between her and George. Similarly, Laila’s moments in Nicaragua were beautiful, and I loved how the experiences gave her a new perspective.

I also loved the author’s minor details about Beirut, like the Lebanese Civil War, the conflicts between Christians and Muslims, and other trivia about the place. Some moments are genuinely profound, like how the author mentions spiritual transformation and the various chakras, Buddhism and Hinduism. I love when stories inspire you to research further on topics that would enlighten you.

Overall, I enjoyed “Strong Like Water” a lot and thought it was a lovely memoir that makes you appreciate your family and friends and motivates you to live life to its fullest.

Book Tour Schedule:

Strong Like Water

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Strong Like Water: How I Found the Courage to Lead with Love in Business and Life by Laila Tarraf Blog Tour hosted by Suzy approved Book Tours

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