Taking Flight by Perry LaRoque

Taking Flight:

Taking Flight: College for Students with Disabilities, Diverse Learners, and Their Families by Perry LaRoque

Release: September 2021
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Morgan James Publishing
Source: Suzyapproved Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N



Taking Flight provides the essential information students with disabilities will need to be successful in college.

Rather than just focusing on the academic skills needed in college, Taking Flight addresses college as a system that needs to be mastered. It also includes strategies and self-awareness needed to be successful. Thus, it explores topics including:

  • The concept of disability
  • Self-expression
  • The college bureaucracy
  • Roommate relationships
  • And having fun!

Perry T. LaRoque explores these topics by using personal stories, humor, frank advice, and years of expertise. Taking Flight addresses the truly relevant topics and issues needed for happiness and success in college. Moreover, it provides readers with not only how to do well in the system, but how to overcome a system not designed for today’s diverse learners.

About the Author:

Perry LaRoque, PhD is the Founder and President of Mansfield Hall and an innovative residential college support program for students with autism spectrum disorders and other related learning differences. He is  located in Burlington, VT, Madison, WI and Eugene, OR.

Also, prior to launching Mansfield Hall, Perry co-founded the College Steps Program. Moreover, he was involved in developing the Think College programs in Vermont. Similarly, he also served as a special education professor at Johnson State College, SUNY-Potsdam, and UW-Whitewater. Also, before completing his doctorate in Special Education at the University of Wisconsin, Perry was a special education teacher in California and Wisconsin.

He currently resides in Milwaukee, WI with his wife and three children.

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Taking Flight Review:

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I wish I had read “Taking Flight” back when I was applying for colleges because it would have helped me so much. This book is one that anyone interested in college should read.

Firstly, the author has provided a plethora of details outside studies, from student loans to scholarships to volunteer work, roommate relationships, counseling sessions, and so much more. He even mentions managing a dating life and being on a budget in situations and help your communication skills.

Similarly, I also enjoyed the way the author constructed the book. Some of the chapters start with anecdotes of successful people and how they handled college life. I enjoyed reading about how Drew has dyslexia and is now a successful graphic designer. Likewise, Steve’s letter to the Professor and the disability services officer, as well as John and the Ice Bomb Incident. Some of the passages that I found interesting were reading about the Sacred Syllabi, how the author mentions the college landscape, being aware of the rules, and details the bureaucratic structure.

Also, the author provided details about people with disabilities and resources and tools to help them with college. I had not heard about the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) until I read this book. However, my favorite part was how the author explains Awareness, Regulation, Expression, and Dynamic Determination. I feel that this is a concept that people of any age in any circumstance could apply successfully in their life to avoid any conflicts.

Overall, “Taking Flight” is a beautiful non-fiction guide to help anyone review college details and plan accordingly for a seamless transition into college life.

Book Tour Schedule

Taking Flight:

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on Taking Flight: College for Students with Disabilities, Diverse Learners, and Their Families by Perry LaRoque Blog Tour hosted by Suzyapproved Book Tours

American Lit Teacher-Sept. 12th
Eli Loves Books 16-Sept. 13th
ML Book Love-Sept. 15th
My Book And Plants-Sept. 15th
Joannas Bookshelf-Sept. 21st
Rozier Reads and Wine-Sept. 27th
Books Love And Understanding-Oct. 1st
Rajivs Reviews-Oct. 1st
Subakka Bookstuff-Oct. 2nd
Reading With Remy-Oct. 4th
Nurse Bookie-Oct. 5th
Geaux Get Lit-Oct.17th
We Break For Books-Oct. 20th

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