The 12 Christmases of You & Me

The 12 Christmases of You & Me by Jennifer Joyce

Release: October 9, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher:  Independently published
Source: Rachel’s Random Resources
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Amazon UK



What if you could go back in time and fix the biggest mistake of your life?

Two years ago, Maisie’s best friend walked out of her life and she hasn’t heard from him since. When she wakes up in 1994, she naturally assumes she’s dreaming. But when she finds herself in the past again the next night and her actions in the dream alter her present-day life, she begins to wonder if she’s somehow hopping back in time. And if she is time-traveling, can she save her friendship with Jonas?

When someone commands Maisie to relive Christmases of the past, will she face up to her mistakes, or make them all over again?

To sum up, The 12 Christmases of You & Me is a magical tale of friendship, first loves, and learning to live in the present.

About the Author:

Jennifer Joyce is a writer of romantic comedies. She’s been scribbling down bits of stories for as long as she can remember, graduating from a pen to a typewriter and then an electronic typewriter. And she felt like the bee’s knees typing on THAT. She now writes her books on a laptop (which has a proper delete button and everything).

Jennifer lives in Manchester with her husband and their two daughters. Her novels A BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO SALAD, EVERYTHING CHANGES BUT YOU, THE MINCE PIE MIX-UP, THE WEDDING DATE, THE LITTLE TEASHOP OF BROKEN HEARTS  are published now. Also,  THE LITTLE BED & BREAKFAST BY THE SEA are out now.

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The 12 Christmases of You & Me Review:

Time travel, tinsel, and trouble, oh my! 
Maisie doesn’t know what’s happening in her life,
One minute she’s preparing for Lily’s wedding,
But when she dreams, she’s time-traveling.

The 12 Christmases of You & Me was a fun story! The author takes time-travel to a whole new level in this romantic comedy, and it is so entertaining! Moreover, the author paces the story in such a manner where you cannot predict how it will turn out. How far will Maisie go to use her dreams and save her friendship with Jonas? 

Jonas and Maisie have great chemistry. Moreover, even the supporting cast like Lily, Aaron, Annabelle, Becca, Tiffany (and many others) add nicely to the plot. On a side note, as a 90s kid, I LOVED the 90s pop culture references. From Friends to Four Weddings and a Funeral, this book was like a splash of everything 90s. 

Also, the story gets intense once Maisie goes back to her past recurringly without her control. She doesn’t know how she can come out of it and wakes up and realizes she is still in the past at times. Some of the scenes are hilarious as Maisie knows what will happen, like her comeback with Mr. Stewart. One of my favorite moments was when Maisie kisses Jonas but has conflicting feelings about what would happen to Annabelle. I only wish there was some reason as to why Maisie starts experiencing this suddenly. 

Overall, if you love time travel tales, or movies like “13 going on 30“, or a romantic version of the Butterfly Effect (like how the author mentions), then you will love this story. 

Book Tour Schedule

The 12 Christmases of You & Me

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the The 12 Christmases of You & Me by Jennifer Joyce Blog Tour hosted by Rachel’s Random Resources.

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