The Accidental World by K A Griffin

The Accidental World

The Accidental World by K A Griffin

Release: March 21st 2021
Format: Paperback
Publisher: K.A. Griffin
Source: iread Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle



If I delay my return, then you are in danger. Set your plan into motion. Dress appropriately…..

Ethan Scott lives with his grandfather above Bingham’s Rare Artifacts, an unusual store with even more unusual customers. He’s a whiz at a board game only he and his grandfather seem to have heard of. And rather than friends, he surrounds himself with the trappings of an unknown past. Until his grandfather goes missing . . . leaving behind a cryptic letter, a valuable gift, and a very confused grandson. To save him, Ethan must conquer time and space and embrace an unlikely destiny. But as he plays the part that seems to have been written for him, Ethan is swept up in his grandfather’s secret but not-so-distant past . . . and discovers that he has wrapped up his own future in it.

And when he runs out of his lines, Ethan must choose between becoming the hero he was born to be or losing his grandfather forever. Unless he can find another way . . .The Accidental World is for all readers who understand there’s more to reality than meets the eye, who dream of another world just beyond reach, and who sometimes wish time ran a little bit differently.

About the Author:

A graduate of Baylor University with a degree in Business Administration, Keith spent his first career managing businesses and distressed corporations. His second career began at Amazon, where he started at the bottom, ensuring we all get the packages we need. He now manages 100 Amazon associates, and every day he still keeps an eye out for the latest novels coming through the building.

At eighteen, he wrote his first short story. It was a murder mystery only thirteen pages long. On Christmas morning, before anyone had the first cup of coffee, his family noticed that the presents under the tree were gone, and in their place were three manila envelopes. Merry Christmas! You must solve the mystery to find the gifts! It was this short story that led to a lifelong love of writing.

Keith currently lives in Texas with his wife, a dog who thinks she is a princess, a horse who knows she is a princess, and a rescue cat who is little more than a source of allergies. There is talk of chickens in his future, but every time he starts to build the coop, a critical tool goes missing. He always blames the cat..

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The Accidental World Review:

When I started reading “The Accidental World,” I did not expect what a wondrous journey it would be.

The story starts in a simple manner where Ethan is waiting for his Pops. But suddenly, Ethan finds himself in a new world at another time. As the story progresses, we begin to realize just how vast the world of NHHMM is and how Ethan has to get used to his new life to find his Pops. The author wrote Ethan’s expressions nicely, and I felt like I was beside Ethan as he adjusted to the new world of NHHMM. Moreover, I enjoyed the adventures when Ethan and his friends participate in the events. The author also wrote the history of NHHMM well, and I liked reading about the rebellion and Civil War when Ethan reads the books. The story ends with a thrilling climax as Ethan and his friends have to participate in a Tournament and face hurdles to save his Pop’s life.

Speaking of games, I also liked how the author focused on Conquest (the Game in the book) as a central plot of the story. The scenes where Ethan has to play with his contenders were some of the highlights of the book. It’s interesting how the author got me so engrossed in the Game, which is entirely fictional. Moreover, Ethan is dynamic in the role. I enjoyed his friendship with Flynn and his complex interactions with Daniel and Miles. The story also ends in a cliffhanger that makes you look forward to the next book in the series.

Overall, “The Accidental World” is a gripping steampunk, time travel adventure targeted at young adults, and it was unique and exciting.


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The Accidental World

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Accidental World by K A Griffin Blog Tour hosted by iread Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule

Locks, Hooks and Books – July 12 –  book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
@twilight_reader – July 14 –  book review / guest post
Books for Books – July 16 –  book review
Literary Flits – July 20 – – book review / giveaway
I Read What You Write– July 21  – book review / author interview / giveaway
Kam’s Place – July 22 –  book review / author interview
 Rockin’ Book Reviews – July 22 – book review / guest post / giveaway
Cheryl’s Book Nook – July 23 –  book review / giveaway
Locks, Hooks and Books – July 27 –  book review / giveaway
Rajiv’s Reviews – July 28 –  book review / giveaway
The Momma Spot – July 29 –  book review / giveaway
Gina Rae Mitchell – July 30 –  book review / author interview / giveaway


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