The Alphabet’s Alphabet by Chris Harris


The Alphabet’s Alphabet by Chris Harris , Dan Santat

Release: May 26th 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it atGoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N, iBooks, Kobo, TBD,



For fans of P is for Pterodactyl comes this groundbreaking spin on the ABC’s from an acclaimed, bestselling author and artist pairing!

To begin with, the book starts in a classroom for letters. The teacher wants to let the letters know that even though they look different, they really are all connected. As, we go through the alphabet from A to Z, the story shows us how an A is really an H that is slouching or an F is an E on a ski. Each letter’s link to another letter is extremely imaginative!

Here’s a totally twisted take on the alphabet that invites readers to look at it in a whole new way: An A is an H that just won’t stand up right, a B is a D with its belt on too tight, and a Z is an L in a tug-of-war fight! Twenty-six letters, unique from each other — and yet, every letter looks just like one another! Kind of like…one big family.

From two bestselling masters of wordplay and visual high jinks comes a mind-bending riddle of delightful doppelgängers and surprising disguises that reveal we’re more alike than we may think. You’ll never look at the alphabet the same way again!

About Chris:

Chris Harris is the New York Times bestselling author of I’m Just No Good at Rhyming: And Other Nonsense for Mischievous Kids and Immature Grown-Ups, illustrated by Lane Smith. He has been an executive producer for comedies including How I Met Your Mother, and a writer for The Late Show with David Letterman. His pieces have appeared in the New Yorker, Esquire, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and on NPR. He lives in Los Angeles.

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About Dan:

Dan Santat is the Caldecott Medal-winning and New York Timesbestselling author and illustrator of The Adventures of Beekle: The Unimaginary Friend, Are We There Yet?, After the Fall, and Drawn Together, as well as the illustrator of many other picture books, including Crankenstein by Samantha Berger. Dan lives in Southern California with his wife, two kids, and various pets. His website is

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The Alphabet’s Alphabet  Review:

This is an awesome children’s book which anyone can enjoy!

As an adult, I thought this book was so creative in the way it compared the letters with one another. Generally in such books, the letters follow a specific theme to a word or a setting. However, in this book, the author stands out and twist the letters and compares it with other letters. Moreover, I just laughed out loud with the letter “S” (I guess it is a tough one to compare with others isn’t it?). Moreover, the quote from each page rhymes with the next page, which makes the story so much fun!

Similarly, the illustrations by Dan Santat are gorgeous and adorable.  Altogether, the reader is in for a treat with the breathtaking colors, as the letters walk across the desert, to skiing in the slopes. My favorite letters was F stretching and H in a pair of stilts. Indeed, their experiences are adorable and hilarious. Moreover, each page is a visual treat for the eyes that will hold the attention of the young one.  

This is definitely one a book that any pre – schooler would enjoy. I think this is a perfect book to use for them to compare the letters with one another and help them remember it better. I hope the team does another book for just numbers too as that would be interesting. Overall, this is a perfect book to gift a young child.  

Giveaway Details:

3 winners will receive a Finished Copy of THE ALPHABET’S ALPHABET, US Only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the The Alphabet’s Alphabet by Chris Harris Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule
Week One

Little Red Reads-Spotlight-9-21-2020
Two Chicks on Books-Spotlight-9-22-2020
YA Book Nerd-Review-9-23-2020
Word Spelunking-Review-9-24-2020
Jazzy Book Reviews-Review-9-25-2020

Week Two

Novel Novice-Review-9-28-2020
The Phantom Paragrapher-Review-9-30-2020
YA Books Central-Spotlight-10-2-2020

Week Three

Rajiv’s Reviews-Review-10-5-2020
She Just Loves Books-Review-10-6-2020
Gimme The Scoop Reviews-Review-10-7-2020
Do You Dog-ear?-Review-10-8-2020
Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers-Review-10-9-2020

Week Four

Reese’s Reviews-Review-10-12-2020
The Pages In-Between-Review-10-13-2020
Oh Hey! Books-Review-10-15-2020
Jotted by Jena-Review-10-16-2020

Week Five
Jaime’s World-Spotlight-10-20-2020
Twirling Book Princess-Spotlight-10-21-2020
Lifestyle of Me-Review-10-22-2020
BookHounds Ya-Review-10-23-2020

Week Six

two points of interest-Review-10-26-2020

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