The Becket List: A Blackberry Farm Story by Adele Griffin

The Becket List

The Becket List: A Blackberry Farm Story by Adele Griffin

Release: April 2nd 2019
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Algonquin Young Readers
Source: Algonquin Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, AudibleB&N, Indiebound



Adventure and discover with the bold and intrepid Becket Branch when her family’s move from city to a country farm means big changes!

Everything is changing for Becket Branch. From subways to sidewalks to safety rules, Becket is a city kid born and raised. Now the Branch family is trading urban bustle for big green fields and moving to Gran’s farm, where Becket has to make sense of new routines from feeding animals to baling hay. And as much as Becket loves to yell “Beautiful Alert!” there’s a lot about the countryside that is just plain odd.

But Becket is ready to put her own spin on country life. Whether selling her mouth-puckering lemonade, feeding hostile hens, or trying to make a best friend of her new neighbor Frieda Franca, Becket is determined to use her city smarts to get a grip on farm living. Laugh and learn with Becket as she mucks through the messy, exuberant human experience of change she didn’t ask for, in a story that sparkles with quirky characters and lasting connections.

About the Author:

Adele Griffin is the acclaimed author of Tell Me No Lies and Be True to Me, as well as Sons of Liberty and Where I Want to Be, both finalists for the National Book Award. She lives with her husband and children in Brooklyn, New York. You can find her online at or on Twitter: @adelegriffin..

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The Becket List: A Blackberry Farm Story Review:

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What an adorable middle-grade story “The Becket List” was, and a great start to the “Blackberry Farm” series.

Firstly, I would like to compliment the author for developing such a creative concept for a series. Most popular middle-grade books deal with fantasy, magic, or other subgenres. It is refreshing to see a middle-grade story revolve around a family adjusting to the farm life from the city.

I adored the way the author wrote Becket. She is so excited to move to Blackberry Farm but soon realizes that things don’t go the way she planned. On the other hand, her brother Nicholas adapts wonderfully. It was nice to see how the kids transition to their new lives and make friends. I enjoyed reading about all the members of the family. The author also adds humor when Becket has trouble with the farm animals. It was also interesting to see how their friends, the Fairs, reacted to farm life when they visited.

There are other reasons to appreciate this book too. For instance, the story has some heartfelt moments where Becket deals with a death in the family. The author also makes the chapters stand out by adding Becket’s checklist, which would catch the attention of a younger reader. Similarly, the illustrations by LeUyen Pham are adorable and blend with the story beautifully!

Overall, “The Becket List” is an adorable realistic fiction children’s book that would entertain young ones.

Book Tour Schedule

All Pets Allowed: Blackberry Farm

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the All Pets Allowed: Blackberry Farm 2 by Adele Griffin Blog Tour hosted by Algonquin Tours



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